17 Proven Business Ideas For Women In India
I bought this amazing pair of Quilled earrings from a colleague. The colour, material and finishing were simply perfect and I couldn’t believe that she had made them over the weekend at home.
“It’s my passion”, she said. “Plus I get to supplement my income and should be able to turn this into a business soon. I really am fed up with this regular job”
If I had a penny for every time I heard this line, I swear I would be a billionaire by now.
It’s fascinating how times are changing. Everywhere I go, I meet enterprising women of all age groups who are trying to manage work, family and start up their own businesses and the main premise is...what else !!
Freedom of course!! Be it financial, emotional or mental freedom, everyone’s looking for it.
I asked around and women were very open about what they wanted to do in terms of business from home.
Here are few business ideas for women at home in India:
#1. Become a Yoga Trainer
If you have this knack of being healthy and so you do yoga every day or even if you want yourself to be fit. You can teach this art to others and make a business out of it. Yoga business is booming today and there are so many women out there who are so busy in their lives that they don't focus on their physical fitness. You can teach them as some of our community members doing in their locality.
You can learn in these 6 steps to become a proper yoga teacher.
#2. Freelance Writing Business
Freelance writing as a business for women is the hottest trend. The reason is, it is easy to start and you are not bound to relocate or do your work in office hours. All you need is an ability to draft your thoughts in a flow around the topiic you are writing for. Writing is indeed an art but freelance writing is easy because this can be learnd. Initially you will have to focus more on your craft as you will be paid less. Bu gradually as you become a better writer, you can get any amount you ask for. You can start learning about writing just by joining sheroes' aspiring writer's community.
#3. Build Clothing Business
“Women building their clothing business” trend is fast catching on. There are so many talented women out there and it’s not funny.
So there’s nothing stopping them from designing their own clothes and setting up space in their homes to stitch them too. With a little bit of investment, quite a few women are turning this talent into a business from home.
If you want to read readymade cloth business idea in Hindi than Click Here!!
#4. Food/Tiffin Service Business (Low Investment Business)
This is one of those business ideas for women, that never goes stale.
If you’re a woman who loves to cook, there’s nothing stopping you from becoming a food entrepreneur (If I might call it that).
The world is your oyster and you can cook or bake anything you like. All it takes is word of mouth.
There’s this place I order food frequently from; it’s run from a house by a lady whose family supports her business. They make the most amazing home-cooked food; always fresh and her little home restaurant is quite popular.
You can start your business online with some easy steps. To read in Hindi, Click Here.
#5. Turn Hobby into a Business
With the craze around organic products, there’s an increasing trend of women who are starting to make their own beauty products at home; be it soaps, bath oils, face washes etc.
There’s no limit to what you can turn an idea out of your hobby to your business.
#6. Start Consultancy Business
Moving away from the ‘traditional’ business options, many women are taking their years of corporate or IT experience and turning it into full-fledged businesses.
Corporates are always on the lookout for experienced and senior ex-leaders with whom they can consult for a variety of challenges or ‘pain areas’ within their organisation.
A friend of mine has secured a contract in Boston as a part-time consultant with an Indian multinational and that gives her the leeway to work on her own terms. She also gets the opportunity to travel occasionally on the house for meetings and in that way gets to see new places and cities.
#7. Graphics Designing
If you have the flair for business and a creative mind, you can venture into the world of graphic designing and turn it into your own business. Once you create your portfolio and establish yourself as a person of repute, the offers will start pouring in. With your creative mind and skills, this is one of the best business ideas for women at home.
#8. Consulting & Counselling Business
Counselling is a serious business. People don’t have time to actually visit a counsellor anymore.
With tough work schedules, a virtual counselling session will be convenient for both, you and your patient/s.
Most importantly you can set your own working hours, days and schedules. This business idea would be most suitable for qualified housewives.
#9. Image Consultants
In this ‘fast-paced and competitive world’ how you present yourself, matters.
It doesn’t make a difference if you’re a man or a woman, the business of Image Consultancy is fast catching on.
There is always scope for improvement in each one of us and if you feel that you have the flair to help develop someone’s personality and build some confidence in them, you got yourself a business idea there.
#10. Financial Advisory
If you’ve made good financial decisions for your family and your advice has helped your friends, you could consider becoming a financial advisor.
Set up meetings at home, or schedule home visits for your clients. Make a few business cards and pass them around.
Leave a couple with your clients and soon you will hopefully see an increase in appointments.
#11. Language Instructor
If you know different languages or even one foreign language, you could start language classes for young professionals.
Create your own content at home and you’re set. Again, you have the flexibility of setting your own schedule. There’s a big market out there for niche skills, language being one of them.
If you’re already financially stable, you can rent out a small space and conduct classes. Go virtual too, as another option, and teach people online. You don’t even have to leave your home.
Some techniques to earn money from mobile. Click Here to read in Hindi.
#12. Masseuse Business
If you’re a certified masseuse, you could do two things:
1) Start something at home (which is safer) for women only or make house calls to people who are looking at a spa experience at home.
2) The best part is that there is a minimal cost involved because you will not have to worry about overheads like rent, utilities, infrastructure etc.
All you need to carry is a bag with skin care products. You can also keep clean towels with you and ensure that you maintain the highest standards of hygiene.
#13. Physiotherapy At Home
A good option if you have the training and the certifications. You could conduct physiotherapy sessions at home or visit people such as senior citizens, maybe who prefer therapy in the comfort of their own space.
Many Senior Citizen Women, do prefer to get their physiotherapy done by Female Physiotherapist. That could be the area, you could build your monopoly in.
#14. Teaching Instrumental Music
Teach people the guitar or the keyboard or even the Cello or any other musical instrument.
The Universal language of love, teaching music is a great business idea. You can start with a couple of performances in your housing complex, at your child’s school or teenager’s college and invite people and kids to participate and be involved in the performance.
Once people see the joy it brings to them and their kids, you will surely have people approach you. Also, once parents see that you’re great with kids, it becomes easier for you.
#15. Enabling Local Artisans
Another business idea is to open an online store or even a physical store to enable local artisans to sell their wares OR they could be homeless women & men; recovering drug addicts or alcoholics who want to make a change to their lives.
#16. Travel Blogging
Read this in Hindi, Click Here.
If you love travelling and would like to share your experiences with people, you could start blogging.
People actually get paid to do this and it’s a great idea. You can share tips on places to stay and local foods to eat.
Write to travel websites offering your services and they might employ you to write about your travel experiences.
Here are some similar - Profitable Businesses in India with Low Investment
#17. Teach Cooking
Teach people to cook. Conduct sessions at home if you enjoy it; it’s a great way to meet new people too and you never know who might refer you.
Be careful about the people who sign up for your classes though. Stay safe. Remember that you have the right to refuse entry to anyone you are not comfortable with.
All you need to invest in, are vessels and ingredients. Record your sessions too and upload them online. A fantastic way to get visibility and clients.
These are just a few of the suggestions that we have for all you enterprising ladies out there. Write to us with some more business ideas for women, that we can share with our community members and our Sheroes.
If you are already running a business, then you might find the Bazaar Community of SHEROES and interesting place to connect with similar minded women.