27 Best Out Of Waste Ideas For Creative Kid's Project
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How do you best use your household waste?
There could be several things made from waste materials at home. And these crafts can also help your kids in their classroom projects. Hence the best out of waste craft ideas are most suitable to reuse waste materials and decorate your house.
Waste products can be of different kinds:
Organic waste such as kitchen waste, vegetables, flowers, leaves, fruits.
Toxic waste like old medicines, paints, chemicals, bulbs, spray cans, fertilisers and pesticide containers, batteries, shoe polish and,
Recyclable waste like paper, glass, metals, plastics.
What are the different types of waste that you can reuse?
Toxic waste can be dangerous and detrimental to health and bad for well-being of you and your family. It is important to get rid of them immediately. However, the other kind of waste can actually be a treasure trove! And it would be a great idea to reuse these waste.
When put to the right use, you can create useful things from waste material such as pretty handicrafts for your home, accessories or even toys for your kids!
It's a great way to reduce the waste produced by your house and do the planet a favour.
It is fun and a creative way to keep your children occupied in thier waste management projects.
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Here are Top 27 out of waste ideas that can help you reduce household waste with craft and keep your kid busy:
#1. Sock Snowman Idea
Do your kids always lose one sock and make the pair useless? Take out those lonely socks from the waste and turn it into an adorable snowman! Here’s how:
What wastes you need:
- 1 sock from the pair (preferably white or light colored)
- 1 Coloured sock
- Sesame seeds
- Rubber bands
- Map pins
- Scissors
- Glue
- Buttons
- Cloth or ribbon
What to do out of these:
- Cut the white sock in half.
- Turn it inside out and fill it with sesame seeds.
- Make a nice round base and secure the top with a rubber band.
- Tie another rubber band about 3/4th of the way up to make the head of the snowman.
- Glue the buttons on the belly of the snowman
- Use the map pins to make its eyes and mouth.
- Use the top portion of the coloured sock to make the snowman’s hat.
- Lastly, use the cloth or ribbon to make the snowman’s muffler. Your sock snowman is ready!
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#2. Ice-Cream Stick Bookmarks Idea
Because great books deserve great bookmarks and summer vacations are synonymous with eating lots of ice cream. Use the ice cream sticks to make adorable bookmarks.
What waste you need:
- Ice cream sticks
- Ribbon
- Glue
- Felt pens
- Googly eyes
What to do out of these:
- Wash and dry the ice cream sticks.
- Leaving the top 1/4th part of the stick empty, twirl and wrap the ribbon around the stick.
- You can also use the pens to colour and decorate the stick.
- The top part is for the face, stick googly eyes and draw a mouth.
- Your bookmarks have characters as interesting as the books they’ll be in now!
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#3. Ice-Cream Stick Fighter Plane Idea
If your little child isn’t much of a reader, let him or her turn the ice cream sticks into a fighter plane instead.
What waste you need:
- 4 ice cream sticks
- 1 wooden clothespin
- Paint
- Eraser/Small bead
- Glue
- Scissors/Cutter
What to do out of these:
- Wash and dry the ice cream sticks.
- Paint the sticks as well as the clothespin in any colour you please and let them dry.
- Cut an ice cream stick into 3 pieces and join two end pieces in a straight line with glue. This is to make the plane’s propeller.
- Cut a tiny little bit of the eraser, paint it and leave it aside to dry or you can simply use a small bead.
- Glue 2 ice cream sticks to the clothespin, perpendicular and equidistant from each other.
- Flip to the other side of the clip and repeat the same process with 2 more ice cream sticks, so that they overlap each other
- Glue the eraser or bead to the ice cream stick so that the propeller is complete!
- Finally, stick the propeller on the mouth of the clothespin. Your plane is ready!
With such Creative Art & Craft Ideas out of waste products, Parents can inculcate values of Simplicity in their Children!
#4. CD Coasters Idea
Encourage your kids not to leave rinds from cold glasses on the furniture by encouraging them to make their own fun coasters.
(Tip: You can use this DIY for your kids in their waste material project for school.)
What waste you need:
- Old CDs
- Thin Cardboard
- Felt pens
- Scissors
- Glue
- Scraps of old fabric
What to do out of these:
- Trace the outline of the CD on the cardboard and cut it. Each coaster needs two such cardboard cutouts.
- Glue the cut out cardboard circles on each side of the disk so that the hole is covered
- Trace the outline on the scraps of fabric and cut it.
- Glue the top of the cardboard and stick the fabric scraps.
- Your reversible coasters are ready to use! It really is that simple!
#5. Vase From Bottle Idea
Turn those cold drink or water bottles into pretty vases and make your home go green, in more ways than one!
What waste you need:
- Glass or plastic bottle
- Paint
- Paintbrush
- Masking tape (optional)
What to do out of these:
- Wash the bottle to clean it and remove the label.
- Paint the bottle in a colour of your choice.
- Once the paint dries, top it up with another coat of paint so the colour is opaque enough.
- You can also use masking tape to make patterns on the bottles.
- Before painting, use the tape to make the design you want.
- When you remove the tape after spray painting the bottle, that part will still be transparent and will look lovely.
- Add a flower and your bottle vase is ready to adorn your living room!
#6. Bird House From Carton Idea
Your old milk or juice carton can be a little birdie’s home.
What waste you need:
- Milk or juice carton
- Paint
- Glue
- Plastic spoon
- Coloured paper
- Cutter
- Soft book cover
- Wool
What to do out of these:
- Paint the carton and let it dry.
- Dilute the glue with water and put a thin layer of it on the cartons and the book cover.
- Before the glue dries up, use the coloured paper randomly on the cartons for a colourful effect. You can even overlap one over another.
- Make a hole on the top and another on the side of the carton to make the door.
- Just below the door, cut a small ‘X’ shape and insert a plastic spoon in it to put bird seeds.
- Now stick the soft book cover on top of the carton to make a roof.
- Make two tiny slits on the roof and put the wool through this to hang the birdhouse.
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#7. Glittery CD Fish Idea
Turn scratchy old CDs into glittery fishes!
What waste you need:
- A CD
- Glitter
- Fevicol
- Card paper
- Tape
- Scissors
- Googly eyes
What to do out of these:
- Cover the entire CD except for the middle portion with glue.
- Sprinkle the glitter all over the area on the CD. Leave it to dry.
- Once it dries, dust off the excess glitter.
- With the card paper, cut a mouth, fins and tail and stick these on the blank side of the CD using the tape after it’s dry.
- Attach the googly eye to one side of the fish’s face. Glittery fish is ready!
#8. Spoon Vase Idea
Keep pens and other stationary in a super cute pen stand made using this out of waste idea for spoons.
What waste you need:
- A large can
- Paper plate
- Plastic spoons
- Scissors
- Glue
- Paint
What to do out of these:
- For this project, you will only need the spoon end.
- Cut off the stem with a pair of sharp scissors.
- Paint the outer convex part of the spoons.
- Stick the spoons on the top of your container with glue.
- Add layers of plastic spoons from the top till you reach the base of the container you are using.
- Add some flowers and your elegant spoon vase is ready.
#9. Tin Can Chimes Idea
Add some music to your house using boring, old tin cans.
P.S. This project is best done with some adult supervision so help your kids out with this one!
What waste you need:
- 3 or more tin cans with lids
- Nail and hammer
- Washers, one for each tin
- Paintbrush
- Paint
- Wool string
- Glitter
What to do out of these:
- Paint the tin cans in different colours and add some glitter if you’d like to.
- Once they’re dry, make a hole at the bottom of each can using the hammer and the nail.
- String a long piece of wool through the holes.
- Tie the two washers at the other end of the string, inside the tin cans.
- Hang the cans in a way that they overlap or hit each other when the wind hits them.
Ta-da you have a new wind chime or should we say tin chime!
#10. Pineapple Pen Stand Idea
Turn a dreary plastic bottle into a pineapple pen stand that will instantly brighten your child’s desk.
What waste you need:
- Plastic bottle
- Green wool
- Green paper
- Tape
- Paints and paintbrush
- Glue
What to do out of these:
- Paint the plastic bottle yellow and let it dry.
- Cut green wool into small strips and stick them diagonally in form of tiny diamonds.
- Make zig-zag lines on a green coloured paper.
- Cut it in the form of a pineapple leaf.
- Stick the leaf on the rim of the plastic bottle. Your brand new pen stand is ready to use.
#11. Tin Can Lanterns Idea
Turn that old bean or soda can into a beautiful lantern for the festive season. Your little one will need your help with this one.
What waste you need:
- Tin can
- Hammer
- Wire
- Nail
- Pliers
- Lights
- Paint
What to do out of these:
- Wash and clean the tin can and let it dry.
- Fill the can with water and put it in the freezer for some time.
- Remove the can from the freezer and then poke two holes in the can, one on each side.
- Use the wire to make a handle attaching it to the two holes
- Make various holes around the can with hammer and nails. You can choose to create a pattern of holes or just be random.
- Paint the inside and outside of the cans in fun, vibrant colours.
- Once it’s all dry, you can put fairy lights or tea light candles in them to turn them into lanterns.
#12. Sock Puppets Idea
Turn every bedtime story into a puppet show with simple puppets made out of socks. They can be customised to look like your child’s favourite character too.
What waste you need:
- Two socks - plain or printed
- Googly eyes or buttons
- Wool
- Wool needle
- Sewing thread
- Scissors Glue
What to do out of these:
- Wash and dry the socks properly.
- Stick or sew the googly eyes or the buttons on the heel of the socks. Put 2 eyes per sock.
- Use strips of wool to make the puppet’s hair.
- Sew the hair on top of the sock above the eyes.
- Put them in your hands and the puppets are ready for a show.
#13. Popsicle Photo Frame Idea
Display your favourite pictures ins fun photo frames made from popsicle sticks!
What waste you need:
- Popsicle sticks
- Scissors
- Glue
- Paint
- Crayons
- Whitepaper
What to do out of these:
- Paint the popsicle sticks on both sides.
- Stick them in such a way that they form a square shape, with the ends jutting out on the four sides.
- Cut a white paper a little larger than the size. Glue the popsicle sticks square to the white paper.
- Your frame is ready for a photograph or even a handmade drawing or painting!
#14. Bottle Money Bank Idea
Out of waste DIY: Wondering how to make best out of waste from newspaper? Here’s one for you. Help your children create a piggy bank from an old waste bottle to teach them the value of both saving and reusing.
What waste you need:
- Plastic bottle
- Piece of paper (Be creative with your newspaper choice)
- Felt pens
- Glue
What to do out of these:
- Clean and dry the bottle.
- On the side of the bottle, cut a slot big enough to send a coin through.
- Seal the edges with glued paper or tape to prevent any tearing.
- Cover the rest of the bottle with the paper and paint it or make patterns.
- You can even go all out and make it look like a pig with just same basic paper sticking.
- Your money bank is ready!
#15. The Beach In A Bottle Idea
The next time you’re on a beach, bring it back home with you in a plastic bottle. This is probably one of the best out of waste ideas from plastic bottles, Here’s how:
What waste you need:
- Big plastic bottle
- Water
- Blue food colouring
- Oil
- Rocks
- Seashells
- Sand
- Glue
What to do out of these:
- Scrub the plastic bottle clean till the label and any residual glue are gone.
- Fill the bottle with enough sand to cover one side if the bottle is tilted horizontally.
- Add some small sea shells and rocks.
- Mix some water with blue colouring till you get a colour like the blue of the ocean.
- Pour the blue water into the bottle with the sand till it’s about 2/3 parts full and pour oil into the remaining 1/3rd part of the bottle.
- Glue the cap of the bottle so that it cannot be opened and leave it to dry.
- Tilt your bottle to see the beach and ocean whenever you want to.
#16. Mason Jar Snow Globe Idea
If you’re someone who prefers mountains to beaches, worry not. Here’s another out of waste ideas to create your own personal snowfall. Wherever and whenever you wish!
What waste you need:
- Mason jar
- Glue
- Decorative ornaments
- Glycerin
- Glitter
- Water Paint
What to do out of these:
- Paint the lid of a mason jar with silver paint.
- Stick the ornaments like a small snowman, tiny house, trees, etc. on the inside of the lid.
- Fill the jar with water to the brim. Add some glycerin and glitter to it.
- Screw the lid on carefully and make sure it is tight.
- Turn the mason jar and use the lid as the base to see the snowfall.
- Shake and repeat whenever you’d like to watch the snowfall again!
#17. Paper Cup Wind Mill Idea
Who said a crafts session couldn’t also be a science class?
What waste you need:
- Paper cups
- Whitepaper
- Board pins
- Glue
- Scissors
- Paint
What to do out of these:
- Paint the paper cups in vibrant colours.
- Pile them on top of each other and glue them together to create a tower.
- Use the paper to make a pinwheel and attach it to the topmost cup with a pin.
- You have your own windmill!
#18. Matchbox Robot Idea
Help your kids make a robot of their very own using simple matchboxes!
What waste you need:
- 4 matchboxes
- 2 matchsticks
- Coloured paper
- Scissors
- Glue
What to do out of these:
- Cover a matchbox with coloured paper.
- Make a hole at the bottom of the box using a matchstick.
- Use the other matchboxes to create the body and legs.
- Use a matchstick to connect the body to the head.
- Draw robot’s eyes and mouth on its head.
- Make the robot’s antennae using 2 matchsticks.
#19. Matchbox Suitcase For Dolls Idea
If robots aren’t your thing, you can use the matchboxes to make mini suitcases for dolls. And when the dolls aren’t going on vacation, they can be a handy place to store your child’s little baubles.
What waste you need:
- Matchbox
- Light and dark brown paper
- Scissors
- Glue
What to do out of these:
- Cover the top of the matchbox cover with the light brown paper.
- Make 4 circles of the dark brown paper and stick them on each corner of the suitcase.
- Cut thin strips of dark brown paper and stick them on the sides.
- Make a small handle with the light brown paper and stick it on top.
- You can also decorate the suitcase with travel stamps or a name tag.
- Insert the inner box back into the cover. You can use this to store tiny bits and baubles!
#20. Clothespin Crocodile Idea
Convert a mundane clothespin into a pet crocodile!
What waste you need:
- Wooden clothes-pin
- Glue
- Scissors
- White paper
- Green paper
- Felt pen or marker
- Green paint
What to do out of these:
- Paint the wooden clothes-pin green.
- Draw teeth on white paper and cut them. Stick the teeth on both sides of the clip.
- Draw eyes or use googly eyes and draw nostrils with the black marker on the top of the clip, above where the teeth are stuck.
- Use light green paper to create the scales of the crocodile.
- Stick it along the length of the clothes-pin.
- Cute crocodile is ready!
#21. T-Shirt Bag Idea
Convert any old, frayed T-shirt into an attractive bag that your child can take to school or the beach!
What waste you need:
- An old t-shirt
- Scissors
What to do out of these:
- Cut a circle along the neck of the shirt.
- Remove the left and the right sleeves so that they are completely removed. Make sure the cut is equal on both sides..
- Turn the tee inside out.
- Chop off the rim at the base of the shirt.
- Make fringes of 5 cm each at the bottom of the tee and tie them together to seal the base of the bag.
- Turn the t-shirt inside out again.
- You have a brand new bag!
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#22. Key Holder From Tennis Ball Idea
Turn old tennis balls into a crafty and cute organiser for your home.
What waste you need:
- Tennis ball
- Cutter
- Googly eyes
What to do out of these:
- Cut a big slit in the tennis ball, right above one of the lines to make the mouth of the ball.
- Stick the two googly eyes right above the slits so that it looks like a face.
- Hang it on the wall as a fun key holder. You can put anything into the mouth of the ball to hold it there!
#23. Cardboard Cartoons Idea
Use the remaining cardboard roll for toilet paper or aluminium foil to create a cool cartoon for your kid!
What waste you need:
- Cardboard tubes
- Paint
- Marker
What to do out of these:
- Paint the cardboard roll in different colours.
- Use sketch pens or markers to create faces on the cardboard roll - princesses to monsters, everything is possible!
- You can also level it up by adding little details such as a hat or a crown using paper cutouts.
#24. Paper Cup Lights Idea
Create a beautiful and unique garland of lights from the leftover paper cups at your last party.
What waste you need:
- Paper cups
- Paint
- Fairy lights.
What to do out of these:
- Take paper cups and put 2 slits in X shape on the bottom of each cup.
- Color the cups and keep aside to dry.
- Once dried, put the LED light bulbs through each slit.
And you’re good to go!
#25. Shoebox Maze Idea
Use an old shoebox and some straws that’ll keep the kids playing for hours!
What waste you need:
- Old shoebox
- Coloured paper
- Pencils
- Straw
- Paper
- Marble
What to do out of these:
- Take a shoe box lid and cover the inner part with a coloured paper.
- Draw the maze with a pencil and paste straws on it.
- Take another coloured paper and make 2 goals on both the ends.
- Use a marble to play the game.
#26. Cardboard Box Picture Play Idea
Display your pictures in this innovative style!
What waste you need:
- Cardboard box
- Cardboard roll
- Coloured paper
- Colours
- Scale
- Scissors
- Glue
- Photos
What to do out of these:
- Take a cardboard box and wrap it with paper.
- Cut out a rectangle in front and a flap at the back.
- Cut out 2 circles on each side of the size of the cardboard roll.
- Paint the cardboard rolls and let it dry.
- Fit in the cardboard rolls in the circles you’d cut out.
- Paste your pictures on the rolls, for the picture play.
#27. Bottle Cap Peacock Fridge Magnet Idea
The bottle may come out of the fridge once it is used but its cap can stay in the fridge forever.
What waste you need:
- Bottle caps
- Paint
- Magnet
- Glue
- Pins
- Googly eyes
What to do out of these:
- Take 2 bottle caps of the same size and stick them together.
- Paint the caps blue and keep aside to dry.
- Stick googly eyes for the peacock and use the pins to create its feathers and beak.
- Paste magnet with glue on the bottom of the cap and let it dry.
Display it on your fridge! With these fun best out of waste ideas, nothing in your home will ever go waste again!
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