10 Secrets Of Successful SHECO Entrepreneurs
In this article, you’ll learn the secrets of successful SHECO entrepreneurs and the 10 things it will take to build your SHECO business.
This article is based on SHECO training by Meenal Lall, who has over 15 years of experience in Training and Seller Success. I’ve expanded on each of these points to help you understand them better.
But First, What Is SHECO?
SHECO is SHEROES’ social commerce program and stands for SHE Commerce, an ecosystem that connects brands with women entrepreneurs and leverages the SHEROES platform as a distribution channel for their products and services.
SHECO Partners can resell products from brands like Sugar Cosmetics, BeatO, Toppr, MedCords, Keto India, Emoha Elder Care Subscription and more, on the SHEROES platform or anywhere on the internet.
Being a SHECO Partner is a huge advantage, even if you’re a reseller with other apps and programs and this program is one of the many ways that SHEROES helps women earn money without investment from the comfort of their homes.
If you’ve never started a business before and are hoping to start a business from your Smartphone in your spare time, click here to sign up as a SHECO Partner.
10 Secrets Of Successful SHECO Entrepreneurs
Successful SHECO entrepreneurs are the ones who do these 10 things to sell more products and create happy customers that buy from them again and again.
#1. Never stop believing
It all starts with a belief – believing that you deserve success, that success is on its way to you, that you’re in the right place, that you are the right person, and that this is the right time to start a business online.
Also Read: 6 Steps To Nurture Leads And Get More Sales
Thoughts become things, say the success gurus. A thought that you think over and over becomes a belief. The right beliefs will propel you to success, while the wrong ones will hold you back and show up in the results you create.
Cultivate empowering beliefs that take you where you want to go. Don’t listen to negativity or people who put you down. Instead, fill your mind with inspiring thoughts and positive affirmations all the time.
The SHEROES community is full of encouragers. Spend more time on the app encouraging others and they will do that for you in return.
#2. Fall in love with your product
If you don’t use the products you’re selling and understand them inside out, how will you be able to convince a customer how much it will change their life?
Use high-quality products and services as a SHECO Partner and understand their benefits and how they can impact your buyer’s lives.
Then practice pitching them to your friends and family until you have the confidence to talk to others about them.
#3. Be disciplined
As SHEROES Founder, Sairee Chahal, mentioned in her work from home webinar, it takes discipline and sacrifice to build a business.
For a successful businesswomen, their business is their baby, so they never regret the time they spend growing it. And, just like a baby needs time, effort and discipline to grow into a healthy human being, a business does too.
You may have to give up some of your time-wasting activities in exchange for learning and growing. Make small steps every day instead of trying to do it all at once.
Just as moms cannot give themselves excuses when it comes to taking care of their kids, don’t give yourself excuses when it comes to growing your business. Do it with the same discipline you exercise when taking care of your kids.
#4. Set a goal and work towards it
One of my favourite inspirational videos is this animated journey through Earl Nightingale's 1956 classic, "The Strangest Secret", read by Mike Koenigs. It defines success as “the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
No matter how you define your own success, what matters is that you cannot achieve something without having a vision in your mind of what exactly you want to achieve.
When you can imagine what your goal looks like (more money, more customers, a successful business), you can work towards it. Write down your goal to make it real in your mind.
Also Read: Know, Like and Trust (KLT) - The Key To Creating Happy Customers
When experts tell you to make S.M.A.R.T Goals (where SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) it’s because what does not get measured does not get done.
Unless you have a way to measure your goal in terms of numbers of sales, or the amount of money you want to make in a specific amount of time, you will not be able to create a smart plan of action to work towards it.
#5. Communicate to sell
Once you have set a S.M.A.R.T goal, you need to work towards it. This means sending out emails, Whatsapp messages or social media posts with the intent of sharing your product benefits with your audience.
Remember to pick the right audience, right channel and right language for your communications so that you get the response you want.
Give, take and use feedback from your audience to tweak your message and communications so that you can get a better response every time.
#6. Build relationships
Relationships are key to selling. People buy from you when they know, like and trust you. So don’t lose the personal touch.
Nurture your leads and connect with your customers by building relationships and building your network, both online and offline.
Learn ways to get more customers and achieve customer satisfaction by improving your customer relationship skills. Once you have happy customers, you can turn them into ambassadors who will give you glowing reviews.
Also read: 6 Steps To Nurture Leads And Get More Sales
#7. Learn a new thing everyday
As SHEROES Founder, Sairee Chahal, mentioned in her webinar, learning is key to business growth.
If you want to succeed as a SHECO entrepreneur, you must become a lifelong learner. You cannot stay ahead of the competition without learning new things every day.
This could translate into picking a new product to sell, trying a new channel of communication, attending SHECO trainings, and always asking questions to understand the concepts and products better.
#8. Find your flow and do what works for you
There’s no one-size-fits-all rule in business. The rule of business is that there are no rules. So use your own creativity and find the way you work best so you can create great results.
For example, extroverts may thrive by connecting with people in person while introverts may be more comfortable communicating over the internet or through email.
Find what works for you and go with it. While you should attend product trainings, you can use your own creative touch to sell better in your communications or sales pitch.
Don’t be afraid to try new things and improve on existing creatives or images. As long as you represent the products accurately, you should find what works best for you and your audience.
#9. Don’t be afraid to fail
Failure is feedback, so don’t take it personally when your communications or sales pitch doesn’t get the response you hoped for. Tweak it and try again.
The secret is that successful entrepreneurs don’t get to escape life’s pains, risks, failures and rejections. They actually embrace them, and face them and this is how they achieve success in the first place.
#10. Share and celebrate your success
So now, pick up your favourite product from SHECO catalogue, sell it using these mantras and share your success on this thread.
On the SHEROES app, you’ll find a warm community of women waiting to celebrate you and your successes. Who knows, you could even be our next SHECO entrepreneur of the month.