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Army Wives - How to deal with moving constantly3 Min read
A dilemma all working Army wives face is what next?’ The usual ‘where next’ is already mapped for them. Postings in the army take you t...
Elderly Caregiving - Can we Track the Beat?2 Min read
Anju Kaushik started little squirrel – a day care, after a 15 year career break. It was exhilarating for her to get back to work. She was t...
What's in a Name?3 Min read
What’s in a name? Good old Shakespeare was perhaps right when in his epic Tragi-comedy, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet Capaulet tells her ‘Rome...
Meet the SHEROES - Sunaina Rekhi1 Min read
Sunaina Rekhi completed her a double major in Economics and Econometrics from Nottingham University. She began doing yoga in 2005 and now tra...
Singledom or Singledoom - Answers anyone?5 Min read
There was something wrong, something amiss in her simple and innocuous sounding message. She was sending far too many messages to me in the p...
Choose The Road Not Taken - Be The Difference3 Min read
I am not a very avid poem reader, mainly because most of the poems are so deep and it’s generally hard to decipher what the poet means. I a...
Killing my dreams2 Min read
I dream. Just like you, I dream big. But then I kill my dreams. Why you ask? Because of the following: Belief in overnight success: ...
Coaching with Dr Archana Tyagi2 Min read
Dr Archana Tyagi’s Profile – Dr Archana Tyagi has been a Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, at IMT Gh...
Meet the SHEROES - Mayuri Bhattacharjee6 Min read
Mayuri Bhatacharjee realized at the age of 26 that she wasn’t growing her flame. This is when she discovered her interest in keep the count...
TrackMyBeat Story - Shampa Bari2 Min read
Life and Career Like many South Asian children, Shampa is a product of partition. Her parents, though both from what is now Bangladesh, we...