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-, startup that helps women find career opportunities raises Rs 5 crore.3 Min read
NEW DELHI: A bevy of investors including Google's Rajan Anandan, Paytm's Vijay Shekhar Sharma and Flipkart's Binny Bansal has invested in a s...
Top Job of the Week - Business Partner at Macaw Books1 Min read
Macaw Books business partners in Mumbai, Nashik and Trivandrum are consistently earning Rs 50000-Rs 60000 each month. This, along with workin...
'Assertive' is the new norm4 Min read
My first SHERO was my Punjabi boss whose only feedback to me during my first annual performance appraisal was ‘be more assertive’. A...
Meet the SHEROES - Sheetal Jotwani4 Min read
Sheetal Jotwani started entrepreneurial venture – Innovix HR Consulting to strike a balance. She shares some interesting tips for returning...
Meet the SHEROES - Sneha Raisoni4 Min read
A chartered accountant by qualification and an ex-investment banker by profession, Sneha Raisoni finally decided to take the plunge in 2009 t...
Bridging the Gap Between Now and the Future3 Min read
There comes a time (and it keeps coming) when you realize that what you have right now is just not enough. Your skillsets, your services, you...
Being grateful - Can it be helpful?3 Min read
The problem of this generation is cynicism; struggling to connect and define what it means to love and be loved. You have great potenti...
Using technology and social media responsibly at work3 Min read
There is no escaping social media anywhere now. Yes, that includes the workplace too. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc ...
Meet the SHEROES--Vishakha Singh, Founder & CEO, Red Polka6 Min read
Vishakha Singh, founder and CEO of Red Polka, started her venture with the aim to provide women clientele a ‘window-shopping experienc...
Social and Search In 20151 Min read
How will search, social and content marketing interact in 2015? Are brands really wasting time and money on Facebook, as Forrester’s n...