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The Baby Steps Towards Something Brandanew5 Min read
Starting up: I collect stories I am a collector of memories and stories. At the time that Blogging entered my life in 2003, sitting in the...
Why work-life balance is perceived as an issue for working women only?4 Min read
Finding a balance between demands of work and family is the most important discussion point among working women no matter at which level of t...
The Entrepreneur's Guide To Estimating Market Size For It's Startup7 Min read
Note: Before I begin, I would like to clarify the difference between market potential and revenue estimate. I have often seen entrepreneurs u...
Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing with your New Boss2 Min read
Most bosses know instinctively that their power depends more on employee's compliance than on threats or sanctions. - Fernanda Bartolme Al...
Why be afraid of the unknown?2 Min read
My brother was too busy over the weekend to take care of Rusty, the lab puppy. So he requested me to take care of his young buddy over the we...
How to overcome loneliness while working from home?3 Min read
Remote working is a growing phenomenon and remote employees often find it a challenge to deal with the loneliness that comes along with sever...
How I got started as an entrepreneur3 Min read
This is written by SHEROES Blogger - Sapna Shahani for the FabBag #TakeCharge contest? Do you have a story to tell? Tell us your your #takeCh...
Meet the Sheroes - Amishi Shah3 Min read
Amishi Shah, a finance graduate started The upcyle project to create objects of design out of recycled pieces of glass, plastic and other mat...
Women “fall in love” and “cry” when criticized in laboratory: A light hearted comment on Women in Sciences4 Min read
Tim Hunt he Nobel-winning scientist expressed his trouble while working with girls in a laboratory in a room full of high-ranking scientists ...
Tips to update profile when coming back to work2 Min read
So you’ve taken that sabbatical from work, you’ve had that baby or gone for that big fat Indian wedding and are now going back to work. N...