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Sing ‘Business Lullabies’ with Terjani Khanna Goyal – Story 4 on Work Maternal Leaves3 Min read
Say hello to the 4th mommy from Jaipur – Terjani Khanna Goyal – whose son Mannan is going to participate in the campaign ‘Business...
Daunting barriers to the leadership position for Indian women in Academia4 Min read
Recently another woman broke open the doors of very prestigious but male only organization – Oxford University. Oxford University announced...
Super Achiever Advantage You Should Build Early Into Your Career1 Min read
Work hard, work smart: There are times in your life you work really really hard and there are times you need to work smart. But every achieve...
Women and Apps - TrackMyBeat2 Min read
If you missed today's chat with TrackMyBeat, here are snippets for you - To provide tools for people to bett...
Meet the SHEROES - Swati Mehrotra3 Min read
Swati Mehrotra started her own Footwear Design firm – swatimodo. A student of FDDI Swati was always intrigued by human character and its di...
How to win recognition as a remote employee?4 Min read
Work from home as a remote employee is becoming a popular option for many employees at different level of their work cycle. Work from home ha...
Tell your #TakeCharge Story, Win a FabBag1 Min read
Vineeta Singh, co-founder - FAB BAG always wanted to be an entrepreneur, she thought that taking up an investment banking job would be a bigg...
Meet the SHEROES - Ranjana Chabra5 Min read
Ranjana Chabra started Little Marvels Early Learning Centre – an early learning centre. A strategist, Ranjana didn’t realize she would st...
Inspiration, Jobs and Goodies to Win2 Min read
Vineeta Singh co-founder FAB BAG always wanted to be an entrepreneur, she thought that taking up an investment banking job would be...
Meet the SHEROES - Priya Dar2 Min read
Priya Dar manages IT application at Godfrey Phillips, she tells SHEROES about her work, challenges the sector faces and more – Q1...