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SHEROES In Your City

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#SHEROES In your City by Jainee: Headhunter to Headturner
#SHEROES In your City by Jainee: Headhunter to Headturner


Headhunter to Headturner (Jainee Gandhi, Mumbai) user Jainee

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My name is Jainee Gandhi. 

I got married at 22, just fresh out of college and getting married felt the perfect thing. Wanted to study firther, but felt a big task instead thought will get married and have fun. 3 months in the marriage and my father in law said, don't sit home whole day, go out do something, work part time. 


Started my work as a junior recuiter in a recuitment agency. A year into this and i felt that fire withing me to something, but what? So just kept on moving up the recuitment ladder. In 2007, while travelling to US, came across an Image Consulting firm, which intruiged me, soemthing somewhere just seemed right. came back to India and started "Bella Signora", which i shut down in 6 months, i was not able to market, nor explain people what i did. But being an Image Consultant is what i wanted to be now. Dreamed of having my own office, my own enterprenurial venture, dreamed this for 3 more year and soon turned that into a reality. 

Took a quick check into my life, and decided to take the plunge agagin but this time, i was gonna be smart. Got  formal training from image consulting institute,   It gave my desires exactly what it required – the formal training on technicals, the marketing support and most importantly a platform to hone my skills. During the training sessions, realized that even the smallest detail can make or break an outfit, that our bodies are not apples or pears, that clothing care, understanding about their texture is equally important and much more. The whole training was a revelation. The changes I saw in myself made me confident in everything – personally & professionally.

The various hats that I get to wear everyday makes me feel like a superstar. Trainer with ICBI, Corporate Stylist with Myntra, was a Fashion features writer for IndusLadies, Consultant to so many people. Every single day so much new to learn and observe. 

My whole point of this story is , it is never too late. I started studying again after my kid was born. My dream had a calling , i hold on to it, took baby steps till my baby was old enough. I now believe that "YOU HAVE TO ASK", the limitations that we have are in our mind, family and frinds are wiling to support us but we just assume. 

As Walt Disney said, “All our dreams come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Pursuing one of mine and it feels so right. 




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