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#SHEROES In your City by Anamika: Medha Kulkarni - corporate professional and hands-on mother!
#SHEROES In your City by Anamika: Medha Kulkarni - corporate professional and hands-on mother!


Medha Kulkarni - corporate professional and hands-on mother! (, ) user Anamika

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Medha is Service Account Manager at Bharti Airtel. She is also a mother, a wife and a student. Yes, while managing these multiple roles, she is also pursuing a MBA in Customer Relationship Management.

Medha is the perfect definition for the woman of today. One who wants to do it all and is now achieving her goals with a lot of help from her family, her friends and neighbors.

Her husband, Achyut is also with a multinational. He steps in to help with their daughter, Aditi, whenever Medha has to travel on work. Right from getting Aditi ready for school, overseeing her homework and all the little things that are part of being a parent, Achyut is there – helping, supporting and encouraging Medha. Her next door neighbor and friend, Binny is another cog in the wheel, Medha couldn’t function without. Binny takes care of Aditi on long work days and her in-laws and parents help out with her daughter’s studies.

Medha’s days start beautifully with some amazing mother-daughter bonding. Aditi shares her school stories over the morning glass of milk, with Medha drinking her chai and cooking alongside. Her professional highs comes from getting that new account or bagging another corporate client. Appreciation, acknowledgement and building new relationships keeps her inspired.

Medha is a phenomenal woman who breaks the word ‘STRESS’ down to mean something completely different! She uses each letter of the word, to slow down, pause and take better control of our lives.

For Medha, Stress is all about Simplifying the mind, to Take control, so that we Release all the negativity from inside us. We also do not get obsessive about trying to control every aspect of our lives. Instead, we Embrace the present, the real, while Seeking learning. To ultimately Smile and move ahead.

A mother, a wife, a home maker, a professional, and really an everyday SHERO who re-defines a supposedly negative word to mean something very positive!



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