Rajkumari Celebrates Her Single Life With SHEROES
She hails from the lush state of Manipur and holds a Masters Degree in Tourism Administration (MTA) from Bengaluru. The initial working years involved her to work for about a year at a BPO in Chennai and later as a Travel Agent in Mumbai for a brief period. She had to give up that life as the family circumstances worsened back home. She came back to Manipur and has been looking after her parents since then.
But the 40-year-old Rajkumari Dayamenti has no remorse, except for one thing. Her life as a single lady.
"Mahima I have two younger brothers who work in Mumbai. Since my father is a retired and aged person, I am with my parents and we do share all the ups and down as usual like every family does. I would rather say WE MANAGE AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER. In fact, my father's pension supports me while I am looking for a job as a freelancer at this age. And the rest we manage from our small farm by selling its produce," says a very humble Rajkumari, who adds that there is no one to look after her parents.
But also accepts that she used to long for a life-partner. Only till she found a beautiful life at SHEROES.
"At a certain point in life, I did realise that I do need a life-partner. But I was too naive to approach anyone through these matrimonial sites. It is not an easy task, Mahima. The reason I find it tough is that when you approach an unknown person, you may not like what he talks, but to maintain your own dignity at times you have to stay silent, even at his nasty questions and answers. And to add to the woes, the neighbours and their jibes add more trauma. There came a time when I decided enough is enough. I will not let anyone fade away my life!" recalls a very determined yet angry Rajkumari. And I question myself, "Why can't one respect the choice of a woman?"
Rajkumari says she found that respect at SHEROES.
"You know Mahima, Manipur is a great place to live. I can say it safely that gender bias is comparatively less here. But when it comes to being a single woman, society is just the same, as it is across the world. All they will ask you is, “When are you getting married or why are you not getting married?” I had so many friends in Manipur. But after they got married, they too got busy with their lives and even changed their stance towards me as a single woman. I decided not to visit them or contact them. Enough of humiliation," and suddenly Rajkumari comes out of remorse to chuckle with joy, "I got to know about SHEROES through the internet. And this is my family now. My true friends who do not judge me at all. Today I am regaining my lost confidence and can say with pride that - I have two hearts, one for my parents and another one beats for SHEROES."
Rajkumari adds," I have made great friends at SHEROES. Life has totally changed since I see the ray of hope through SHEROES, a bright light. And now I am confident in who I am. I am 40 and I have learnt that it is not important to get married. It is rather important to get married to the one who understands you, accepts you as who you are. Till then enjoy life with your parents, since their love is unconditional and supreme. Value your parents."
And that change reflects not just in her words, but also at the umpteen posts she keeps making at SHEROES. take a look at this one.
Rajkumari Dayamenti laughs to inform, "I was born in a very happy and content family; we don't have great money, but we know that we aren't poor either. Because we are enriched with love for each other. We standby each other in the toughest of times. Our love for each other is our strength and it will always be."
Rajkumari has come a long way. She not only encourages and inspires her friends at SHEROES with her funny posts and also take them through the culture of Manipur with detailed posts about Manipur and the North East. Check out this one!
She informs that after SHEROES happened to her she is planning to hone up her skills and has made humble beginnings by earning online. She will share the details the next time, but for now, she leaves us with a beautiful message:
"Choose a life-partner not because you need him, but because you both strike a mutual understanding, love, respect and trust. But if you are single, there is no reason to get depressed. #BeYourOwnRani like me. Us women are SHEROES. So take pride in who you are. Thank you for being my buddies, my family. I love you all. Cheers!"
I am sure Rajkumari Dayamenti's life-story in our ongoing #MeetTheSheroes Series has left you inspired. So you must share it among your friends and also pour some love for her in the comments column. After she says you all her family! Here is where you can follow her on SHEROES.
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