How To Have A Relationship When You Have A Busy Career
It can be hard to juggle a career that keeps you on the fast-track and a relationship that requires you to be at your best for yourself and your partner. We’ve compiled the best advice for those of you not wanting to leave the briefcase for the bedroom.
Make sure to take out time for each other
Plan date nights and intentional quality time with your honey each and every week. You may not be able to spend every day doing your favorite activities together or even sharing dinner time together, but you can manage with a little planning once or twice a week.
Sacrifice equally
You might find yourself in a position where one of you has to quit/move/forgo something for the other’s career prospects. Make sure that you are taking turns making decisions to purely benefit your partner - a lifetime of making sacrifices will make you very resentful and also will affect your own career growth.
Share the load of household chores
Make sure that you and your partner are comfortable doing the little things it takes to run a house (or if you are not married and live together, the small chores you have to do to make life run smoothly). You must have an open conversation about this up front and as and when the workload changes so neither one of you is taking on more than the other.
Build strong fences
Make sure that your office knows when you have to leave so you can spend time with your honey, and your honey knows when you will leave your office. Be clear with each other about how much time you will spend working when back home, when you can and can’t check emails, and if laptops are allowed into the bedroom or not.