How To Recognize If You Are Bring Sexually Harassed @ Work

Last updated 13 Jun 2017 . 2 min read

Often we let casual sexism slide because we don't realise we are being exploited.

The result is that careers are destroyed along with the confidence and self-worth of millions. 
To combat this workplace evil, the Prevention of workplace Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act has been enacted to prevent and protect women against sexual harassment. So, don’t be afraid to fight against the violation of your fundamental rights. 

Here are 10 things you should know about sexual harassment at the workplace. 

  • If you have experienced unwelcome touching, sexual gestures, whistling or staring at the workplace, you should know that these ARE acts of sexual harassment.

  • Sexual harassment is NOT limited to physical actions and sexual favors. If your co-worker pesters you about going out on a date with him or if someone in your office makes sexist comments or offensive jokes around you that make your workplace unpleasant you are experiencing VERBAL sexual harassment.

  • If you have been offered employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors you have a right to COMPLAIN.

  • If you have been shown pornographic or other sexually offensive or derogatory material including pictures, cartoons, calendars or posters that make you uncomfortable at the workplace it is NOT OKAY.

  • It is your EMPLOYER’S RESPONSIBILITY to provide a safe environment, organize workshops, deal with complaints, monitor submissions and provide assistance to women.

  • Your employer IS RESPONSIBLE if you are sexually harassed at a company-sponsored event outside of working hours.

  • You can file a complaint only with the Internal Complaint Committee (ICC), the body put in place by your organization to hear and redress YOUR GRIEVANCES pertaining to sexual harassment.

  • The time limit for filing a complaint of sexual harassment is 3 MONTHS.

  • BOTH men and women can be victims of sexual harassment.

  • ONLY WOMEN can report a complaint under the 2013 Act against sexual harassment at the workplace.

 Sexual harrassment can happen to anyone. If you have experienced it, and need someone to talk to, download the SHEROES app, and connect to the SHEROES Helpline. Our team of counsellors who will guide you, while keeping your identity confidential. 

Don’t be afraid to #TakeCharge


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