5 Tips To Increase Holiday Sales Without Discounting Your Products
The festive season in India spans all the way from Ganesh Chaturthi in August or September to Dussehra, Diwali, Christmas and New Year.
Selling during the festive season is both an opportunity and a challenge, primarily because all businesses are using extreme tactics like deep discounts to boost sales at this time.
But what if you’re a SHECO partner and cannot give deep discounts to your customers? How can you leverage the festive season and holidays to sell more products and delight your customers without reducing your profit margin?
Here are some ways to boost your holiday sales without discounting your reseller products and services.
#1. Create Holiday-Focused Content
Creating holiday-focused content is one of the best - and easiest - ways to boost holiday sales. But what sort of holiday content can you create? That depends on the festival or holiday.
During festivals like Diwali and Christmas, your customers may want to give gifts to their family and friends. This is the perfect opportunity to write a “Gift Guide” for them.
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You can send them an article titled “10 Perfect Gifts To Give Your Elders During The Lockdown,” and list a number of your reseller products (such as iVillage masks) or services (such as Emoha Elder Care) that would make thoughtful gifts for their elders during the festivities.
You can post this list on your blog, share a Pinterest Pin, or use an animation app to make a fun video for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest and share the link or video with your customers.
#2. Bundle Products
Create bundles of related products - such as BeatO (Diabetes care) + Emoha (Elder Care) + iVillage Masks - that make sense to customers who would otherwise purchase them separately.
Many customers love the convenience of a product bundle and you can be creative in bundling products that go well together. This way you can sell more and make bigger profits too.
#3. Offer Gift Certificates
Instead of a discount, you could send your customers a gift card or gift certificate from one of the many ecommerce portals, especially if they purchase a high-margin product with a decent commission.
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If you have some free gift cards that you have been saving for an occasion, this is the time to use them and boost the value of your offer in the eyes of your customers.
If you have your own business, even better! Offer your customers a gift card for your own products or services, if they buy more of your reseller products. That way you’ll end up making money for both, you and your business.
#4. Offer A Bonus
If you have a business that sells creative products, such as art, craft, or gift items, offer to ship your customers a free bespoke gift as a bonus for buying from you and send them a personalized card along with it.
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Don’t have your own business? No matter. Just ship them a greeting card with a thoughtful message or an inexpensive gift like a bookmark or gift pen with your name and number tastefully printed on it.
You can easily design and ship these from a site like PrintVenue or some other website that ships merchandise. Make sure it’s something they can use, so it reminds them of you every time they use it.
#5. Send a Festival Greeting
Remember to send a greeting card or Whatsapp message to your current and past customers, wishing them for every festival, so they remember your thoughtfulness and know that you genuinely care.
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People buy from those they Know, Like and Trust, and these are all ways to build a relationship with your customers and let them know you’re thinking of them.
The festival season is the best time to grow your reseller business because people are in the mood to spend and send gifts to loved ones.
If you learn how to position yourself and your offers in the minds of your customers so they think of you when the festive season starts, you will build a successful reseller business.
Use the tips above to boost your holiday sales without offering discounts on your reseller products and services, so you can make more profit and delight your customers, too.
Want to become a reseller and start a work-at-home business from your cell phone? Click here to become a SHECO Partner and get free business training to earn money without investment from the comfort of your home.
We wish you a Happy Dussera, Diwali and a very Happy New Year!