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8 Steps to Starting Your Business5 Min read
Understand your business It is key for any business to understand who your target market is. Everything from the way you price your produ...
Women and Apps #WAPPS - Opinia4 Min read
Today we had our #WAPPS chat with Opinia, an app that helps you voice your opinion and takes democracy to another level. Here are a few ...
Women - Can You Ever Have it All?4 Min read
Almost tired of reading and hearing about articles on gender gap, equality, diversity hiring initiatives ... and believe me - today, this has...
Things They Don't Teach At School2 Min read
1) Financial Literacy Learning how to do your own taxes is a necessity — even if we ultimately end up paying someone else to do it. We n...
Don’t Let The Change Hold You Back2 Min read
You have got the dream job you always wanted. It pays you twice of what you were getting previously. The job profile is much better but you a...
Story World - Tell Well To Gel Well4 Min read
The word 'story' means different things to people. Am sure an image pops up in your head as well, as soon as you hear 'story'. In a kid’s w...
Women Entrepreneurship 2014 – New Horizons1 Min read
In an ever changing world, no sooner do we adapt and respond to the challenges of the day do we find ourselves in a new day! As entrepreneurs...
Leaning In with Sheryl Sandberg2 Min read
In early nineties Facebook’s COO and author of Lean In Sheryl Sandberg spent two years traversing the dusty villages of Rajasthan working f...
Meet the SHEROES - Varsha Bhawnani6 Min read
Varsha Bhawnani, began her journey in 2005, when she laid the foundation for Vinegar export with a seed capital of 5 lacs and bought five sew...