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Story World - Tell Well To Gel Well4 Min read
The word 'story' means different things to people. Am sure an image pops up in your head as well, as soon as you hear 'story'. In a kid’s w...
Women Entrepreneurship 2014 – New Horizons1 Min read
In an ever changing world, no sooner do we adapt and respond to the challenges of the day do we find ourselves in a new day! As entrepreneurs...
Leaning In with Sheryl Sandberg2 Min read
In early nineties Facebook’s COO and author of Lean In Sheryl Sandberg spent two years traversing the dusty villages of Rajasthan working f...
Meet the SHEROES - Varsha Bhawnani6 Min read
Varsha Bhawnani, began her journey in 2005, when she laid the foundation for Vinegar export with a seed capital of 5 lacs and bought five sew...
SHEROES Hangout - Trends in Technology with Myna Bisneer1 Min read
Myna Bisineer, presently works as a Senior Advisor in Venturesity, which is a startup focused on creating talent in new technologies and conn...
Meet the SHEROES - Gauri Sarin1 Min read
Gauri specialized in HRD, has a deep passion for her field and although her interests are diverse has focused on the selection related aspect...
Learning Life - Coping with Eventualities- Wills Nominations4 Min read
In this fast paced life, have you ever wondered why you should make a will? Most people believe that in case of death of a man, his wealth pa...
Meet the SHEROES - Naina Redhu3 Min read
Naina Redhu is best known for her vibrant imagery for luxury brands and behind-the-scenes photography that tells the story as if you were the...