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10 Cool Start-ups by Indian Women4 Min read
2014 has seen some awesome women starting-up. India’s women entrepreneurship environment exposes statistics of improvement with respec...
Digital Vidya: Certified Web Analytics Master (CWAM) Course3 Min read
Digital Vidya, Asia's leading Digital Marketing Education company brings to you a Web Analytics Master Certification. Course Description: ...
Meet the SHEROES - Bindu Madhu4 Min read
Bindhu Madhu has just recently founded her own Design Studio. However, this studio focuses on designs for children! Be it toys and games or s...
Photography Contest - Your SHEROES Moment - 20142 Min read
We all have SHEROES around us who have played an influential role in beautifully crafting the way we live. Be it your mother, your Grand-pare...
Meet the SHEROES - Vibha Singh3 Min read
An engineer by profession and a designer at heart, it’s probably safe to sum up today’s SHERO this way. She started ‘Wearable’ - an i...
Meet the SHEROES - Chhavi Sharma4 Min read
Women have been making waves in the world of IT for quite some time now. This intelligent Shero for today who thrives on multi-tasking though...
8 Must have tools for freelancers2 Min read
Working for yourself means being your own boss. It sounds amazing. And it is. But all the freedom you gain by becoming a freelancer comes wit...
Understanding Insurance and Claims1 Min read
The problem about getting born in this world is that you will never get out alive- Johnny Hart In a world of uncertainty ...
Meet the SHEROES - Kanika Kohli3 Min read
Everybody has a story to share and learning about someone’s journey and professional climb is always interesting. There’s so much to lear...