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Lessons From Myra - Making New Beginnings2 Min read
The year ends midweek. Like hanging in the balance... weighing what it should pass on into the next. As usual, I feel the tug of new resolves...
The Aliens Are Here!6 Min read
2015 is right at the door. You feel like saving every little bit of 2014 and marking it with memories and making it your own, to cherish late...
The Young Women's Leadership Program (YWLP) Unique - Experiential Program Exclusively for Young Women3 Min read
YWLP is an experiential business leadership program customized for Young Women. With its comprehensive perspective and contemporary pedagogy,...
15 Ads in 2014 That Left Us Thinking3 Min read
1. Philips India: The Silent Couple - Breast Cancer Awareness campaign Every year in India 1,00,000 women are detected with breast ...
14 Must Read Books Of 201410 Min read
Books have become an integral part of our lives. For information we look up to books, for inspiration we look up to books, for leisure time w...
12 months in 2014 taught me more than 12 lessons as a Working Mother6 Min read
As I look back on my career journey in 2014, I recognize that this year has been significant for me in very many ways. Firstly, I worked for ...
Meet the SHEROES - Jasleen Anand4 Min read
She started out late but created a niche wherein she helps women and balances a plethora of activities. She is the on the Board of Directors ...
Meet the SHEROES - Stuti Jain4 Min read
She is young, she is talented and she runs two businesses! A lawyer first and a designer later, that is what sums up Stuti! It’s defin...
Meet the SHEROES - Shreya S Bathrinath3 Min read
Starting a site dedicated to the world of child birthing news is of course one splendid idea and Shreya Bathrinath did just that. On her site...