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Stand up comedian Neeti Palta at SHEROES Summit, Delhi1 Min read
Catch stand up comedian Neeti Palta's talk during the SHEROES Summit in Delhi on 18-Nov-2015. ...
How to Pitch to a VC6 Min read
I did a tweetchat a couple of days back on how to pitch to an early stage VC and was surprised at the number of queries I received on the top...
What does it take to get-ahead in the field of PR and Communications? Deepa Dey of GlaxoSmithKline tells us today.10 Min read
Deepa Dey, Head of Communications at GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Heathcare speaks to us about a career in the field of communication a...
Strapped for Cash every month-end? Here's what you can do!4 Min read
"Money" they say, makes the world go round! If you've been finding it hard to make your paycheck last maybe a few quick tips that help y...
5 Everyday Habits that are affecting your Work6 Min read
A habit is defined by the American Journal of Psychology as a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing or feeling acquired through previou...
Highlights from the SHEROES Summit, Delhi 20151 Min read
A quick peak into what surpassed at the recently held SHEROES Summit in Delhi on 18 Nov 2015. ...
The Thin Line between being Helpful or being a Pushover3 Min read
In a bid to try and please everyone, and to maintain different inter-personal relationships, you won’t realize when being courteous le...
How a former software engineer-turned-entrepreneur created a successful brand out of her venture4 Min read
Shreekala, co-founder of Crack Verbal invested all her savings into starting her business. Today, the brand is a well-known platform amo...
Why You Should ROFL When Asked For Social Media ROI2 Min read
Every social media manager faces the same problem. Management buy-in and determining social media ROI still remain obstacles for many brands ...
What you can expect at SHEROES Summit, Mumbai1 Min read
We just wrapped up the Delhi edition of the SHEROES Summit. Catch the highlights here. As we prepare for the December 10th Mumba...