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Things You Should Know About Termination in Indian Labour Laws1 Min read
Updated: March 2018 ‘Termination rules for employees' will always be a daunting term for any employee. An employee’s livelihood i...
How would you identify an internet scam during job search?2 Min read
Sometimes, the wisest can fall prey to the most dubious conmen when it comes to earning a few extra bucks. In today's time, the veil of the v...
No time for fear - get over your fear of failure3 Min read
“What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” How valid is this question, is the question. Fear is real and it does exist. So,...
Lessons to take away from women leaders around the world4 Min read
Women have come a long way and have been making waves across the business world. To name a few, we have Indra Nooyi, current Chairperson...
Do you need to go on a digital detox diet this weekend?4 Min read
To find someone walking around without a smartphone or tablet in hand may seem like a rare sight today. Recent research now shows that g...
What inspired Dr. Suman of Medimojo to venture into entrepreneurship?3 Min read
Dr. Shikha Suman started Medimojo as a result of a personal crisis. The aim of the venture is to improve treatment and care for those sufferi...
Do you have FOMO?3 Min read
Fear of missing out or FOMO is "a pervasive apprehension that others might be having from experiences from which one is absent". Th...
4 questions to ask yourself before a career move!2 Min read
"I’ve come to realise your career is all about the choices you make. Every single one matters.” said popular American singer a...
Rachna Chawla at The SHEROES Summit, Mumbai1 Min read
Catch Rachna Chawla's talk from The SHEROES Summit, Mumbai ...