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Finding Work Through Rajashree's Story5 Min read
Tell us about yourself and your roots? I’m Rajashree; spiritual not religious, always driven by my intuitions and like to fly like a col...
STARTUP Exclusive: A Bank For Entrepreneurs!3 Min read
Ankit’s eyes were stuck at the door, one moment he stares at his watch, the other moment the door, and then he received an SMS – Lets mee...
Indian Women Characters That You Wish You Were1 Min read
Imagine the literary world without women characters! It would be so dull and boring, right? Literary geniuses might have woven magic with mal...
You Are Not Any Less Of A Mom!2 Min read
You don’t know me yet, but I’m out there somewhere. You do talk to me though. You give me the signs. The signs that you want me. I know I...
A Young Woman's Guide To Contraception Options4 Min read
For young women trying to climb the corporate ladder, having kids is an agenda. With stricter deadlines, unavoidable offsites, sudden promoti...
Pocket Money Problems? Work-from-home To Earn That Extra Buck!1 Min read
There is a huge difference in the way every parent chooses to raise their child. This difference widens if one were to compare parents from d...
Meet The SHEROES: Sunita Sapra1 Min read
Meet the SHEROES: A QnA with Sunita Sapra, General Manager, Marketing Operations of Karam Industries Tell us a little about yo...
“Brave” Versus “Perfect”4 Min read
“We’re raising our girls to be perfect, and we’re raising our boys to be brave.” This is followed by most of the people across the...
Tattoos And The Workplace4 Min read
She walked into the meeting sporting a bunch of stars on her hand. At first I wondered whether she had simply drawn something on her skin out...
Beat The Heat: Keep Yourself Energized This Summer With The Right Diet3 Min read
With temperatures rising, many of us are already feeling the need to switch to alternative foods that would help our body stay cool, energize...