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The Power Of Suggestion4 Min read
“Oh! That might hurt”, “test was really difficult”, “impossible to do that”, “you won’t like it” … these are just a few o...
A Big Hello From The Backwaters Of Kerala!2 Min read
We just wrapped up our first community meet in Kochi and it couldn’t have been better. It is always exciting to talk to the community and g...
It’s A Man’s Life Too!3 Min read
Although Bollywood’s recent “Ka and Ki” would have us believe that there is already a paradigm shift at work that challenge...
A blackboard in the living room4 Min read
Vandana Bist is an illustrator, writer and children’s author. After graduating from the Delhi College of Art she started working as an illu...
Warli Art - An Ancient Treasure3 Min read
Art is never finished, only abandoned -Leonardo Da Vinci Art is not just a nice thing to have or do in your free time, it defines our line...
Meet The SHEROES: A QnA With Bollywood Singer Smita Jain7 Min read
Smita Jain is a young Bollywood singer, a dynamic performer and a wanderer in search of her song IF and WHEN she’s not sleeping! Let's...
Being An Indian Muslim Woman4 Min read
The year was 1993; there was palpable tension in the air. I was waiting in queue to get on my school bus. School had shut down half way as th...
What Makes Millenials So Different?5 Min read
We all hear about millennials, their behaviours, their likes and dislikes....but wait, who are they? Why is everyone interested in “th...
Thanking The Mothers Behind Entrepreneurs6 Min read
Mothers! What can anyone say that would express exactly how you feel about them! As Maya Angelou said correctly, “To describe my mo...