The SHEROES Contributor

Surabhi Dewra
Surabhi Dewra is an entrepreneur who is utilizing creativity, leadership and teamwork to design and execute India’s biggest online career exploration platform for students by the name MeraCareerGuide.Com
Her engineering degree brings in a strong tech understanding, where as her passion for education and counselling brings her close to the venture: MeraCareerGuide.Com. Translating her passion into a business where every student can have access to right information and guidance is what she dreams of. She is a task focused leader and a coordinator.
Woman, add two ‘As’ to climb up the career ladder
Over the last few years, a trend that seems to be catching up with Indian middle class families is that of wanting to get the daughters educated. Education, this time, is not solely for the girls to find a better match, but to help them stay independent, confidant and self-sufficient. More and more young women have started to join workforce in our country. This is not an urban movement, but nationwide phenomena where girls even from smaller towns and villages move to the metros or to nearest city to find jobs.
These young women who each morning go out of the house and walk into an office are self-reliant, motivated, hard working, enthusiastic and skilled. Gender diversity at workplace has given these young women a chance to carve their own space in professional front. Men at work no more find women filling menial jobs but see them as healthy competition.
But, wait…despite all these positive changes something still is not correct. Why are fewer women found in middle management and even fewer go up the career ladder despite the fact that entry level sees mass recruitment?
I have been trying to find the answer from my female and male colleagues at work and also from my friends from the start-up community. They seem to believe its work life balance and matter of prioritising between family and career. Hence, fewer women grow in their careers. However, I disagree.
I believe that the lack of two traits among women employees that curb their professional growth.
The first one being ‘aggressiveness’ and the second one is ‘accountability’. And both these characteristics are MUST to grow in a career. Now, I don’t blame the working women for lack of these qualities as they were brought up in that extra protected cushioned environment. But if we want the power of 49 to harness we should infuse two powerful principles of Aggressiveness and Accountability among our women.
Aggressiveness means – ‘Taking initiatives’ whereas accountability is ‘ownership to get things done’.
Simple steps to be Aggressive:
- Do not take “No” for a final answer
- Take centre stage whenever possible.
- Be assertive in your communication style
Simple steps to be accountable:
- Go and ask your boss– “Tell me what to do?”
- Don’t wait for too long to act
- Accept logical consequences for the results of your actions
Aggressiveness and Accountability together brings in competitive spirit and “never give up attitude”. Career opportunities, professional growth and promotions don’t come on the way if we just keep sitting and “hope for the best”. To see the difference in your career, spice up your work attitude with aggressiveness and accountability and actively pursue your goal. I bet you will see the difference!