#MeetTheSHEROES Fearless “Auti-Mom” Kreeti Mitra’s Community Supports Moms of Kids With Autism
Autism doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a parent who never gives up. Kreeti Mitra Bhatia, a mother of two, was completely at a loss when her firstborn was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
She had two choices – either lose hope in despair or take it up as a challenge and raise a happy child with special needs. The fighter in her chose the latter.
"The idea to form a community came from the pain of another mother of a special child. That mother poisoned her child, and then killed herself,” she shares.
Turning Pain Into Power
Kreeti felt that pain over the years and could relate to what that mother would have been through to have taken that drastic step. She then realized that it was imperative to create a strong community of moms of special kids, not to educate each other but to lend a patient ear and shoulder to cry on, and that’s how "The Special Mom" community was born.
The Special Mom community on SHEROES offers mothers and parents of children with special needs a place to vent their thoughts and feelings without any judgment or hesitation. It is a place to have fun, cry, talk your heart out, let your hair down and walk ahead with a renewed vigor.
Supporting Fellow Auti-moms
To support special moms on SHEROES, Kreeti who is also a beloved SHEROES Champion also hosted a live chat recently on World Autistic Pride Day.
These wonderful women meet once a month for a few moments of zaniness that energizes and prepares them to face their daily struggles. It is also a place to draw strength from each other and work towards their common goal of raising happy children with special needs,” says Kreeti, adding that the best way to deal with stress and manage it is to talk about it.
“This platform does precisely that. It turns stress into a manageable daily task,” she says.
The only advice that this special mother has to give others is, “You add value to get value,” and she lives with this thought every moment.
Follow Kreeti on SHEROES and join the special Moms community.