Meet the Sheroes - Hemlata Sippy
Today's Shero - Hemlata Sippy started a unique Spa Service - The Pampering Petals
In a short span of time, she has created a name for her business and it is now considered one of the leading mobile outdoor spa services. That is the USP of her spa - that the services are brought to you, wherever you are!
Read on to know more about Hemlata Sippy,
What line of work are you presently in?
Currently I am in the line of Hospitality. I run Pampering Petals, a leading mobile outdoor spa that brings relaxing and rejuvenating spa services to your location where ever you are and whatever may be the occasion, making each guest feel special at any celebration too.
How did you get the calling to enter this field?
I was always inclined towards hospitality. By sheer coincidence I got an opportunity to start 2 spas which was a franchisee project - Aura Thai Spa. Here I learnt about the essence of spas, the services and the potential of this industry. Once I finished my project with them I started my own venture called Pampering Petals in Sept 2012.
What are the top 3 things you follow to overcome challenges in your profession?
Being Competitive is obviously the most important,
It helps to have the most skilled and trained manpower in the industry.
The personal touch – it’s a hospitality industry things are differentiated only by your special touch to the whole thing.
How do you think working Indian women are perceived today?
Indian working women are not perceived to be at par with men yet. Today in every field and industry women have made an entry and that's an achievement in itself. In the past, women were not allowed to step out much. I guess we have to push ourselves more. Mainly cause women ultimately have to balance home and work front and that's where they get a beating in terms of equality.
What helps you balance your profession and personal life?
Family is important and whatever I am doing I am doing for my family so doing anything at the cost of my family especially my son - Manan who is just 4 years is an absolute No.
But yes I plan my work and family time well so that there's no clash. Obviously being a businesswoman adjustments have to be made at various fronts but to a limit that it should not affect my family. I push myself more and more to accommodate everything and everyone hats the only way a woman can manage balance. Never expecting anything from anyone and accepting everyone - that is my Mantra to Balance my life.