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Positive soch1 Min read
The desire for more positive experiences is itself a negative experience, the acceptance of one's negative Experience is itself a positive exp...
"Priceless memories of childhood"1 Min read
Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's season and one of the shortest season.In that season,we are full of innocence ,excitement where...
I want to be......1 Min read
I want to be known for a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart and soft noise....
बंगाली दुल्हन की तरह तैयार होने के लिए 6 साजो-सामान1 Min read
जब आप एक दुल्हन को देखते है तो आप बता सकते हैं कि वह एक ब...
Introductions1 Min read
Hi everyone This is Reeti and I am thrilled to be a part of the Sheroes community and meet all of you exciting,dynamic and powerful wome...
Tell me more.. .. About u1 Min read
Tell me about urself which point makes u a real shero😎.. .. ? ...
Inspiration1 Min read
I am Harsha Dashore and living my life with daily stuffs. I worked with the magazine "Life Positive" which is based on Health and Spritiuality. Some...