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Franchise India To Award Women Entreprenuers2 Min read
Franchise India, has come up with Women Entrepreneurship initiative. They have taken the initiative to award 25 pre registered women entrepre...
Opportunity Scape Called Life - Single Women Money Management4 Min read
I once saw a bumper sticker which said “A man is not a financial plan!” As a financial advisors we would totally agree! Most wom...
Did you hear the opportunity knocking at the door?1 Min read
Call me deaf or ignorant, but I always believed that I missed opportunities. That I never heard when they came knocking. That I could not rec...
Why I Love My Start-Up Job3 Min read
When and if you decide to work with a start-up, people give you a million reasons to dissuade you. Foremost being start-ups aren’t est...
Meet the SHEROES - Pri Shewakramani1 Min read
Pri Shewakramani co-founded The Beach Company with Harshad Daswani in order to combine her two passions: travel and fashion. Pri also works a...
Wills and Nominations1 Min read
In this fast paced life, have you given any thought to writing a will? Most people believe that in case of death of a man, his wealth passes ...
Meet the SHEROES - Hema Dhawan4 Min read
Words describe her way of life and she makes the best use of them by communicating and putting them down on paper too. Meet the SHERO, Hema D...
One Person Company- A New Age Concept5 Min read
The innovative new concept of ‘One Person Company’ (OPC) was first recommended by the expert committee of Dr. J.J. Irani in 2005 and has ...
Gameplan Change: Tips to Survive After Leaving a Fulltime Job to Become a Freelancer2 Min read
There are a number of reasons people choose a freelance life -- too much pressure from a stressful job, no time for family, becoming a new mo...