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If the movie industry had rules for its “working professionals”2 Min read
There were recently some news articles surrounding Katrina Kaif’s exorbitant expense on her hair colour for Fitoor. While the actor did rub...
Okhai – Working Women For Working Women4 Min read
It’s hard to decide which is more appealing, is it Okhai’s tagline "working women for working women" or is it the cheerful photograp...
"Ethniq Desi" and its journey so far1 Min read
Sreerekha Madivala of Ethniq Desi opens up about her venture and thoughts on entrepreneurship with SHEROES today. *** I graduated from ...
Why "Networking" is a must for budding entrepreneurs?3 Min read
Business and networking go hand in hand. Networking is a skill that budding entrepreneurs must learn. Many entrepreneurs have great pro...
7 things returning professionals must do for their career2 Min read
If you are planning to return to the workforce this year, you owe it to yourself to strive for the best! But where do you start and how exact...
What is in your bag today?4 Min read
You carry it wherever you go. It almost never leaves your side. They say a woman’s handbook carries her world. Let’s see what the work...
Why do I always…feel the need to leave!4 Min read
In the picture is Poonam with an Indonesian farmer. She is doing an Indonesian village program with him and his son. Entrepreneur Poo...
Diversity initiative with Venturesity2 Min read
Women are hackers by nature, hacking through their lives, families and jobs every day. However, they may not get the necessary outle...
A testimonial by one of our SHEROES2 Min read
I have always walked the road less travelled, which made me experiment a lot and made the people around me question my moves a lot. I do...
Make your commute to work "effective"!3 Min read
Peak hour traffic is something no working professional looks forward to. On an average, the working professional of today spends at least two...