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Work from home special: how to handle tough clients5 Min read
Freelancing / Working-from-home sounds easy but then this too has its high and low points, especially when clients become staunch about ...
Things you need to know about Big Data4 Min read
With the advent of increasing digital technology companies have to collect huge amount of data. It is difficult to manage such huge amou...
Meha Bhargava of Styl.Inc shares her story with SHEROES today4 Min read
Fashion / personal stylist and image consultant Meha Bhargava of Styl.Inc talks to us about a career in this field and shares her t...
Atibhi Mehra of The Mobixpert speaks to SHEROES today5 Min read
Atibhi Mehra launched The Mobixpert in 2015, a mobile services firm committed to providing clients with top class mobile experiences and scal...
Dear tiny baby…5 Min read
Mumbai girl Krupa Shah opens up about her love for social work and her venture that deals in the import of clothes and accessories for tiny /...
Does 8 X 5 = happiness?3 Min read
The headline may seem a bit quirky, but HAPPINESS quotient in the equation is sure to have drawn your attention. I am sure only very few o...
Missing shades of Pink3 Min read
"Make in India" is an initiative that will help fight back economic slowdown while putting India on par with developed co...