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Why Do Women Work?4 Min read
Unwritten rules have been in place since men decided to rule the roost and tell women how to live their lives. But of late, it has turn...
Protips For Those Coming Back To The Workforce After A Break?5 Min read
The SHEROES Summit is a landmark annual event that has a life of its own--it grows, throbs, energizes, motivates, enlivens, unites and most i...
Does Your Business Need To Be On Instagram?4 Min read
Can you imagine being inspired by a thumbnail photo grid? Instagram is redefining how social media is being consumed; we are hooked to its im...
Killing It Softly: Olympics 20164 Min read
Citius Altius Fortius (Faster Higher Stronger) The motto of the Olympics was gasping through a slow strangulation as the Olympic...
Skin Whitening Creams Do Not Land You A Job, Or Win Medals3 Min read
Remember Renuka Shahane, who played Pooja the perfect bahu-bhabi, whose million-watt smile lit up the entire ‘Hum Aapke Hai Kaun’ m...
#MumsWithoutBabysitters - Summit Edition3 Min read
Some of you attended the Bangalore edition of the SHEROES Summit earlier this week. SHEROES Summit is an annual tri-city – Delhi, Mumbai, B...
When The Lights Go Out, Will Your Family Know What You Kept In Store For Them?3 Min read
Would you get extra time from God when you are asked to leave everything you have and go to him? Can you convince him to give you a few more ...
#Mumswithoutbabysitters: Rakshita Dwivedi, ListYourGrocery4 Min read
“No, no. Don’t do this,” she said, while he throwing darts at the back of her chair. “Shhh, I am on a call. Please don’t interru...
Finding An Opportunity Through SHEROES: Snigdha Says Thank You!3 Min read
Snighdha Bhushan found an opportunity through SHEROES At Fusion Microfinance. She thanks the community in her own words today in a short QnA;...
Job Alert! Here's A Perfect Opportunity For Those Who Want To Work From Home3 Min read
Lakhs of women in India are eager to join the workforce and are seeking jobs that allow them to work from home. This is a perfect solution fo...