Maternity Leave Rules
Like most of the women in India, many of us are unaware of the maternity leave rules and we often neglect or get compromised over it. But in the year 2017, amendments were made in the maternity benefit act, there are certain rules that every woman must be well aware of. Maternity leave is a form of leave given to pregnant women in the last few weeks of pregnancy and during the early stages of infancy. The employee is entitled to full compensation during this leave period from the organisation she works for. Women health is often ignored in the organisation and that makes it even more essential to enforce such laws. Until a few years back maternity leave was still a dream far from existence, thanks to the struggle and voices people raised across the globe that gave this issue a strong light. A lot of people don’t understand but maternity leave is a very essential step to help employed women manage the home as well as work. As the pregnancy time is a crucial time for any woman, taking care of health is a priority. After the delivery, women require proper rest, as well as newborns, need their mothers, so the maternity leaves become a big help for them.
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