Learn Gujarati

Any language opens you up to a world of a very rich culture and history, that can only be experienced by being immersed in the language. The Gujarati culture is very vibrant and friendly, and learning Gujarati can be of tremendous help if you’re interested in learning more about the culture, or to expand your business prospects. The language is not only spoken in Gujarat, but across the nation and the world, as Gujaratis have travelled far and wide for business purposes. They have significant influence in the East African region, UK, USA, and Australia. Gujaratis are known for their entrepreneurial nature and learning their language will give you an upper hand when it comes to business dealings with them. They also have a very exciting culture, with vibrant dances, songs, and food being a huge part of it. All of these are best enjoyed by being familiar with the language. There’s a British milkman who learned Gujarati to communicate better with the huge Gujarati population he was serving in Blackburn! Words from Gujarati are also increasingly being adapted into the vocabulary of local Kenyans and Tanzanians who deal with these lovely people daily. The language is traveling far and wide, so why not learn it and get on board!
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