Career In Banking

We have all seen people in a three - piece suit, well suited and heading to work with a small briefcase in their hands and it is an obvious guess that the person is an investment banker. And we all like their way of working with so much of authoritative powers and money- related decisions. But do you know what it requires to opt a career in banking? It is a college degree in accounting, finance, business, communications, economics, marketing or computer science. The demand for choosing a career in banking is on a boom these days. For a developing country like India, banks are considered to be the best place for opening the doors of wide range of possibilities in financial sector. Though the sector has various challenges but it also provides you tremendous opportunities globally. The banks in the country are categorised as commercial banks, co-operative banks, investment and specialized banks. To opt a career in banking, you must possess skills like customer dealing, patient attitude, good mathematical and accounting knowledge and enhanced analytical skills. Ofcourse this skill set requires coaching and proper guidance. Therefore, one should enrol themselves for such classes and inculcate these skills in themselves. Once you get into the sector, then no one can stop you to climb the ladder of success gradually!
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