Deepa Gandhi

I am a dietician by education but a multitasker. I am a blogger on various topics as I love writing. Read my blogs here- and

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20 Sep,15
Better nutrition - key to development

Theme for nutrition week 2015 : Better nutrition is key to development reflects importance of good nutrition for everyone.

Healthy diet is required to be healthy and active and also for overall development. Our diet must be sufficient quantity wise and quality wise to meet our energy and nutrient needs. Different foods contain many different nutrients and  no single food provides all the nutrients required. Therefore,the best way to make sure that our body gets all the necessary nutrients is to eat a variety of foods.
It is very important for a common man to understand benefits of good nutrition. Eating healthy food can help not only help in physical development but also mental development. Good nutrition can save you from all kinds of diseases too.
For proper nutrition, one should use combination of different food groups. Combining different food items helps in better absorption of nutrients. 
Nutritional requirements vary from person to person. Everyone needs to pay attention to the quality, quantity and diversity of food sources to have a balanced diet. 
Poor nutrition can have implications on development. 
Good nutrition means healthy eating and it is not about strict limitations in food or depriving yourself of the foods you love. It is about proper development of body by making proper use of different food groups. 



I am Mphil in Foods and nutrition. I am a blogger, freelance nutritionist, choreographer and an event manager. I love writing and dancing. I run my own dance school just to follow my passion. My second passion is writing. I started writing blogs to follow this passion. You can follow me on and for my blogs on everything.

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