Deepa Gandhi

I am a dietician by education but a multitasker. I am a blogger on various topics as I love writing. Read my blogs here- and

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8 Jul,16
A moody tween and a confused mom!

Me- Hi! How was the school? Hope you remember that you have a dance class today at 5?

My Tween- I have just come back from school! Why can’t you let me rest for some time? Let me sit in peace and don’t talk to me..OK?

Me- I am just reminding you. Hope everything was fine at school.

My tween- Stop asking questions and ruining my day!

I think to myself- What’s wrong with her?

Actually nothing is wrong, she is a TWEEN!

Most of you will be aware of 2 T’s of parenting (difficult) stages- Toddler and Teenagers. But actually there is a 3rd “T” which is difficult of all.

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I am Mphil in Foods and nutrition. I am a blogger, freelance nutritionist, choreographer and an event manager. I love writing and dancing. I run my own dance school just to follow my passion. My second passion is writing. I started writing blogs to follow this passion. You can follow me on and for my blogs on everything.

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