Deepa Gandhi

I am a dietician by education but a multitasker. I am a blogger on various topics as I love writing. Read my blogs here- and

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27 Nov,15
10 tips to tackle toddler food tantrums!
Toddlers are mostly very picky eaters. Mothers are always worried about how to give them proper nutrition and what to serve them. Remember to keep it interesting by giving them variety everyday. Eating solids is a new experience for them and they have to get used to various colors, textures and smell of different foods. Some important points to remember-
1. What to give

I am Mphil in Foods and nutrition. I am a blogger, freelance nutritionist, choreographer and an event manager. I love writing and dancing. I run my own dance school just to follow my passion. My second passion is writing. I started writing blogs to follow this passion. You can follow me on and for my blogs on everything.

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