Deepa Gandhi

I am a dietician by education but a multitasker. I am a blogger on various topics as I love writing. Read my blogs here- and

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18 Nov,15
10 different types of married couples!
When two people from different backgrounds and of different thoughts and nature come together as a couple, results are always varied. We all had different experiences in marriage and as a couple we all fall into different categories.
1. SHOW OFFS- They can also be called PDAr's (Public display of affection). They don't realise that this show off of love can be annoying for others. They are the show offs- ,'' Look how much in love we are that we can't keep our hands off each other". 

I am Mphil in Foods and nutrition. I am a blogger, freelance nutritionist, choreographer and an event manager. I love writing and dancing. I run my own dance school just to follow my passion. My second passion is writing. I started writing blogs to follow this passion. You can follow me on and for my blogs on everything.

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