Nov 14
Webinar: Is there a better way to solve problems? Online 2017
Hosted by SHEROES
Details about the event
Webinar on - Simplifying Complexity to Unlock Hidden Potential: Problem Solving Workshop
Speaker: Ira Gilani Lal, TOC Professional and Director of Time n Cash
“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change. The ability to think is the most important quality a leader can have.”
Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
We face conflicts at almost all stages of our life. Do you empathize with the following?
- Undesirable effects or pains in personal or professional lives.
- When we are unable to find solutions, we compromise and are forced to live with unsatisfactory solutions.
- Often, we fail to find the root cause of all the negative side effects.
- Many of our current problems are the side effects of past solutions!
Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a management philosophy developed by Dr. Eli Goldratt, an internationally recognized leader in the development of business management concepts and systems, author of the best-selling business book The Goal. Dr. Goldratt was, first and foremost, a thinker who provoked others to think. With the mindset of a scientist, he truly believed that:
“All complex systems are governed by inherent simplicity; all conflicts can be eliminated, if we can find the erroneous assumptions."
TOC Thinking Processes provide a step-by-step methodology to surface the limiting assumptions. Once these deep-rooted assumptions are surfaced and invalidated, it enables us to unlock huge hidden potential.
Who Should Attend This Webinar?
The workshop is for those who would like to use thinking processes to surface assumptions and thereby, resolve some very significant issues in their personal or organizational domain without any compromise.
The workshop will enable participants to evaluate problems from different perspectives, challenge limiting assumptions and emerge with breakthrough solutions. Don't miss this opportunity to pick up tangible skills, tools and thinking processes that you can apply on a daily basis, to progress in your career or personal life.
Learning Objectives
Simplifying Complexity
- Articulating pains or undesirable effects.
- Is the pain worth resolving?
- Conflict diagram or Cloud to understand the problem.
- Challenging and invalidating limiting assumptions.
Improving Personal Effectiveness
- Time management
- How to avoid bad multitasking?
- Finding meaning in your own job and developing empathy for others.