Travel Journaling: How To Write Extraordinary Travel Diaries

Application Deadline - 15 Apr 2017

1980 To The Organizer


Supercharge your journal writing! - Writing a travel journal should enhance your vacations, not gobble up precious time!

What Will I Learn?

  • Bring destinations to life with rich details.
  • Splash those details quickly into your pages so journaling doesn't gobble up your precious vacation time.
  • Find times to write that don't compromise your opportunities for exploring.
  • Weave together your "outer" and "inner" journeys, using unfamiliar places as backdrops for self-discovery.
  • Elude your "Inner Censor" and write with confidence.
  • Explore alternative journaling techniques that add an extra dimension of creativity to your travel diaries.
  • Learn how to recall details you thought you had forgotten from past trips, and bring those memories back to life with your words.
  • Use your "rough draft" journals as a springboard for writing more polished travel tales. (A follow-up course on how to write travel tales for publication is coming soon!)
  • Gain a deeper awareness of the world around you so that journaling enhances your travel adventures rather than seeming like a chore.
  • Discover how to write extraordinary travel journals that keep your experiences vivid in your mind for a lifetime.


  • A passion for travel
  • A desire to remember all the rich and colorful details of your adventures

This course is for you if:

  • You've tried writing a travel journal in the past but you want to do it better
  • You've never journaled about your travels before and want to do it right the first time
  • You haven't managed to get much written on previous trips and want to write more – in ways that bring you deeper in touch with your surroundings and make your journeys more exciting
  • You haven't journaled about past journeys and you wish you had. (There's still time to write about trips you've already taken – even if you think you can't remember the details. This course will show you how!)
  • You're an aspiring travel writer who needs help spotting and collecting the "raw footage" that will make for great travel tales later. (My follow-up course, “Travel Writing: Explore the World and Publish Your Stories,” teaches you how to transform your on-the-road travel journals into tales for others to read.)

So sign up today and get ready to write, and travel, like you never have before – with an enhanced awareness of your journeys and an ability to write about those trips in ways that will keep your memories bright for years to come.

Who is the target audience?

  • Travelers
  • Writers of all skill levels

Pay Rs. 1980 To The Organizer

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