Why Getting-Back When You Can Get-Set-Go?
The prime days’ incidents of the past were racing up in her mind, how her work was appreciated by the CEO of the company, being nominated for Best Branch Head award, receiving a citation from that tough Client, breaking that all-time-high record in business volumes & finally a proud hug by the Hubby who witnessed her Career graph ‘swish’ like that ISRO’s PSLV.
Then suddenly she hears a wobble by the bedside, her 2-year-old infant is sleeping. She reaches out to check the mattress for wetness but there’s none, reassuring for the 30th consecutive night that the habit has been long discarded!
She mulls on whether to resume the go-karting of past life prime moments or whether to actually Get Back to making fresh moments. The very same instance, an obvious answer pops up in her mind, to open the topic with her husband at the breakfast table the next day.
All this while, it is but simply a one-dimensional plane of reminiscence of the past best and, the spur to spring back to action with immediate effect. Further ahead, it marks the beginning of the actual multi-dimensional tussle – finding that right opportunity, overcoming that notional hurdle of a 2-year-break, flourishing among competition showcasing continuity landing on that dream job that acts as a propellant for re-launching an all new PSLV.
The question to ponder over here, is why to channel the efforts to “Get Back,” when doing a series of smart moves & leveraging the power of a networking platform, you can actually:-
Get (called for an Interview),
Set (define the role yourself) &
Go (Swish)?
Who does what?
Venturing back into mainstream career, especially after mid to long range break, requires sharper focus and targeting. Sharper focus comes with knowing who does what in the recruitment space and based on that derivation, a strategy of whom to be targeted can be zeroed in on.
Who-does-what in Recruitment space? Well, as a start & an endnote, HR Managers don’t do hiring decisions! This might sound like a revelation but however it is the naked truth.
Hiring decisions are made by the Functional Heads, Business unit heads, Founders (in case of a startup), Immediate supervisors, etc. And they are termed by the popular name – Hiring Manager.
If this is realized, it’s much more straightforward an equation on focusing at the right person to reach out for.
Insights – Contradicting story of Belief & Behave:
Considering insights about Recruitment space is a good approach, if it is tossed up with a sense of suspicion of the popular division in what people say (when asked to provide insights as an outsider) and do (when applying the same techniques in their own personal life).
Couple of insights derived from the corporate professionals representing vast years of experience and diverse background suggests that they already know what works in a Recruitment process, yet do quite the opposite when it comes to steering their own transition.
Workable that has worked already:
Get Set Go can be performed in a clinical fashion, with sharply lower rejections & dejections, if one can learn from the real-life experience of someone who has had equally or denser career break and at the same time used certain techniques to make it back to the corporate world.
The reason this becomes an invaluable learning, is often people narrate their tried-out success methods, a great deal of honesty gets layered in between. Hence, it provides a crystallized overview of what worked for them and how that can be applied to our own life situation.
“You are an average of the people around you”
“You and anyone on this earth (even Mr. Donald Trump) are separated only by a max 5 degree of people connection”
The above 2 phrases summarize effectively the power of LinkedIn – The professional networking platform that has some brilliant yet simple-to-work-on features, augmenting the process of reaching out to anyone you wish to engage with.
If Hiring Managers are your target market, then they are out there at LinkedIn, easily discoverable, reachable & actually waiting for someone like you to impress them!
All that needs to be done is touch base with them and GET them to call you for an Interview appointment!
The only irreplaceable trait in professional world is Leadership. The bedrock of a great leadership is taking the Initiative. Yes, how about you initiate the process of defining your own role rather than complying to a 2-page JD (Job Description) and counter that with yet another 2-page CV.
JDs and CVs are sheer reference materials for records purposes, they are not the representation of either the scope of the role described or the depth of talent one brings to the table to match the scope.
How to initiate?
Research – About the industry of preference for lead indicators on opportunities & threats.
Define – Define the gap between opportunities & threats and fill it with what value you bring to the table.
Outcome – You take the mantle on hand, in defining how you can contribute to ease some of the biggest pain points of that Hiring Manager.
It’s not about getting called for an interview, cracking the interview and landing into that Dream Job. It is also about setting the right platform to launch the come-back with full thrust, which provides a sense of fulfillment of having made it back to what you always wanted to do.
So, unlike a conventional approach of spraying-and-praying of CVs and giving in interviews at several companies, the approach rather gets trained at the ultimate goal of re-establishing the career and getting to perform at-the-word-Go.
“The steaming cup of coffee at the breakfast table brings back the conversation about resuming the Career, no one to interfere as the child is long gone to the playschool for yet another day of jumping jacks and the hubby is all receptive to heed to the plans of recreating the past glory. She is rather pretty quick in making up the mind and getting into the requisite action – no wonder the past work life was accolades studded!”
About the book – GET AN INTERVIEW CALL FROM YOUR DREAM COMPANY is a mild read of 18K words & 80 pages, but filled with practical techniques and systematic walk-through of how to crack the Get-Set-Go. The book is available on all major platforms such as Amazon, Shopclues, eBay, FlipKart, etc.
The book has received great reviews so far from varied readers comprising working professionals, industry mentors & founders.
About the Author – Ram hails from South India, Chennai to be precise, and currently lives with his family in Gurgaon.
Ram is an alumni of INSEAD, Singapore and has 3 masters’ degree to his fold. He has worked across different industry domains such as Banking, E-comm, etc and has played various leadership roles across Product Innovation, Sales, Operations & Business Development.
Ram’s famous pastime is playing Volleyball & Table Tennis.