Top 5 Work From Home Social Media Jobs
Are you a SAHM? A stay-at-home-mom is someone who chooses to be home to first look after the needs of the child / family. But does that mean SAHM’s can’t also take up professional opportunities while being home?
Here are some interesting social media (job) ideas for SAHM’s:
The best parenting blogs today are written and managed by SAHM’s who share, engage and promote their work smartly through social media. Not just audience, most of them manage to get advertisers and sponsors through their social media activities.
I was browsing the internet, looking for some Time Management quick tips that I that could include in my business presentation when I ran into a wonderful article on the topic. Impressed with the content, I started exploring more about the author and came across this amazing online community that had articles on wide topics catering even wider audience groups. If you have still not heard about it (thought I doubt ), this online platform AHA-now was started as a blog by a SHAM (stay at home mom) 5 years back who with her hard work and social media support , managed to grow it into a community where bloggers from around the globe come together to write, share and promote content.
Product reviews
If you can write great content and have an amazing social media brand, companies are always on the lookout for you. Baby products, baby food and maternity wear companies trust moms for writing reviews for their products. They know only a mom can influence a mom’s choice.
Coupon crusader
Not a popular idea yet, but many daily deal sites and coupon companies will pay you for sharing deals with your family, friends and audience. All you have to do is promote their deals to whom you know. Escalate Media and Go Freebies are similar platforms.
Tutoring/online tutorials
It is easy to become an expert through social media, all you have to do is choose your niche, create interest and engaging videos and promote through your social connections. The world is always looking for advice; on cooking, hair-do, make-up, driving, arts and crafts, parenting, education ...topics are endless and so are experts who are not shying away from social media to showcase their skills and knowledge to the world.
A SAHM is no more a bored, dependant, ignorant and frustrated human. She has a life, she has a choice and social media is just helping her to balance her family, interest and career. Some make it a hobby, others are making money and career out of it. SAHM, thanks to social media, is now WHAM (work at home mom).
What does a SAHM need?
Someone to talk to about her doubts and insecurities, someone to turn to for advice on parenting. The biggest regret a woman has when she becomes a SAHM is the loss of her social life.
Are you a SAHM looking for some interesting work-from-home opportunities in Social Media?
Click here to explore and find an opportunity that best suits your interest and profile today!
By Meetu Khanduja