Time To Recognize The Fearless Female Entrepreneurs
Women have always been the warriors of this society. Be it at home taking care of the family or stepping out of the four walls of their home to follow their passions. Equal voting rights, equal representation, and even equal recognition, every step has been a battle for women which they have been constantly winning.
Naturally, it is no surprise that women have effectively risen to a place of prominence in the field of entrepreneurship as well, battling all odds, working from home, and building successful businesses.
Case in point, Vandana Luthra, founder of VLCC or Richa Kar, the mind behind Zivame, these women entrepreneurs have braved the odds of building businesses initially, lack of funds could not stop them, and have made it to the top without any Ivy League education backing.
Women know how to push through hardships which often acts as their inspiration. The Times She UnLTD Entrepreneur Awards looks to celebrate the power of such women who have emerged out of the humdrum of their daily life. And SHEROES, the women’s community platform who have been tirelessly providing support to such women, will join the Times Award as the community partner.
The aim of the award is to embrace the dream of the fearless risk-takers to grow a business that fuels their passion, satisfies their muse and fills the coffers.
What is the Times She UnLTD Entrepreneur Awards about?
The Times She UnLTD Entrepreneur Awards 2019 looks to honour and recognise the daring and fierce women who know no limit.
The Indian women who have risen like the phoenix from the dull ashes of nonentities and deserve to be showered with all the adulation. They have dreamt the impossible, broken the gender stereotypes, and pushed hard to make their visions come true.
The clarion call is to assemble the indomitable spirits of unleashed womanhood in the field of entrepreneurship.
On Women’s Day, Times announced the award and invited women from four of India’s top cities to apply.
Currently, the categories are kept limited to Fashion, Beauty, and Food. The eligibility criterion is wide accommodating women who work from homes or co-working spaces to sole-proprietors or co-founders of small or large firms turning over revenue of Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 3 crores. Times may have kept this as the eligibility, but the search is really for successful women warriors in the entrepreneurship field. So, any business that has a woman founder, irrespective of its current turnover can become a definite contender. Even NRI women are eligible for the awards provided their businesses are headquartered in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru or Chennai.
Sanjeev Kapoor, Rashmi Uday Singh, Shantanu and Nikhil, Dorris Godambe, Ambika Pillai, Pinki Reddy and many others who are currently sitting at the pinnacle of their respective fields will be members of the jury.
Sairee Chahal, the founder of SHEROES, will also be among the esteemed names. The Times maintains that the awards definitely has a scope of expansion and more chapters will soon be added, but for now, the time is right to honour the courageous women in the available space.
What is SHEROES’ role in this?
SHEROES, as a platform, has been empowering and enabling women in a trusted space over their website. Be it careers or health, relationships or achievements, SHEROES is where women can turn to when they are ready to break free of the societal shackles. Being the community partner of the Times She UnLTD Entrepreneur Awards 2019, SHEROES is going a step forward to recognise the achievers of the country, catapult their careers into the stratosphere, and pave the way for the future generation to take heart in following their daring footsteps. And with Sairee Chahal in the jury, it only further establishes the whole concept of the Times Award.
Sairee, being a woman entrepreneur herself, will be judging the next pool who can reach such higher grounds. She, along with SHEROES, has the vision to make 100 million women a part of the global growth curve in the next 5 years. The Times She UnLTD Entrepreneur Awards 2019 can be the stepping stone for many who can also be a part or guide of Sairee’s vision.
So, are you a silent warrior as well?
Then it is time to break the silence and make your entrance. Irrespective of whether you are a home baker or hairstylist, food photographer or online designer, every bit of your fight counts and deserves attention. Visit the following link: http://www.timessheunltd.com/, fill up the application form and be recognised by the top minds of the nation.
For any help and queries related to the participation in the Times She UnLTD Awards 2019, you can get in touch with their helpdesk at +91 93268 19922 or contact via email at sheunltdawards@timesgroup.com. Drop in your name and number in the mail and request contact back.