Things to keep in mind while looking for a job change.
Job hunting takes perseverance. The process of job hunting requires detailed self – introspection, realigning the interests, refreshing skills and domain knowledge. Working women busy in meeting ends of their day to day demands, often lack time to fulfill the above requirements. Job hunting therefore takes a back seat leading to unhappiness. Here are few ways that kept me motivated in the past to fish for new job amidst of all other duties:
Track your activities at present job: Track the daily activities that we perform in the present job and what are your high and low points. It is not necessary to be overly critical but it is good to know some low points that can be related to people management, technical skills, leadership ability and so on. Find things that you like to in your current job. Maintaining a monthly tracker will help answering these questions. Find a value that you can add to the company and that can be your key word for job search
Map your position in the market: Present work scenario is such where roles and designations are often company specific. Understand your position and interest area for future and track the job positions available in those areas. Often our thought processes are aligned as per the hierarchical structure in our present work place, be to other structures too and map which position would be suitable for you.
Apply to every relevant opportunity - Some evidences reveal women are less confident and more cautious while switching jobs. A research proves men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet 100% of them. Try applying for each job that is relevant to you rprofile, who knows you might get it and you can always learn along the way.
Be open to work models - For working women flexibility of working hours, proximity between work and home etc. are also decision making factors but it is better to be open to any work model till the interviews are over and final negotiations can be done. Be open for jobs in other cities too.
Be present Online - Recruiters often check sites like LinkedIn for your complete profile and professional network. It is important to keep your online profiles updated and be active in terms of networking with people.(More reads)
Find mentors/ peers - In the process of job hunting it is necessary that you show your interests to ex-colleagues, network by going to conferences of network meets. Spread the word and you will see that the process of job hunting is progressing much faster.
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