Story of Re-entering the Workforce

Last updated 30 Dec 2016 . 3 min read

Tired? Yes I was very tired. How, when, where, I don’t know. How can such an energetic happy person be tired? But yes I was. I was trying hard to keep everyone happy and somehow during the process lost my own happiness and inner peace. I changed as a person - from a subtle, fun loving, self-content and talkative woman to a silent, irritable and very sad person. I am sure many of you will relate to my situation and understand the immense pain.

After reaching a certain platform in my professional life through sheer hard work it is very difficult to let go and quit without planning. Then the phase of self-criticism, repentance, and sorrow breaks you and shatters you leading to depression and anxiety! But soon after a couple of months I was back to my happy life with a big bang. I was enjoying all the little things in life which I couldn’t do during my busy professional life of 11 years -  get-togethers, shopping etc.

But alas, low self-esteem and the act of letting haunted me. Was I really happy?

No, I wanted to go back to my corporate life! Yes stressful, difficult but this challenging life has got its own flavour of success, which I already tasted, and it was intoxicating for me.

I decided to get back to corporate life:  an inner voice whispered in my ears “Girl - get up, dress up and never give up!” It’s time to re-enter the workforce. Then an interview call from a reputed bank, and I got selected and had that WOW feeling. It was a wonderful feeling of success again. But let me share some beautiful learnings during this period. I was always very keen in reading and writing but never explored an opportunity to chase it because of a hectic schedule. But now is the right time to re-discover myself completely. I started reading more and more, acquired knowledge and translated my inner thoughts into small write-ups.

I remembered a lovely quote saying “Not all girls dream of getting married at the age of twenty-four, some dream of earning a diamond ring at the cost of their own hard work.”

I believed in working hard when no one is watching you and when there is no completion around.  To me, that is INTEGRITY. During this enriched period of self-re-discovery I discovered SHEROES. What a wonderful community to motivate and inspire women. For all those middle-aged women who quit and join back, It is one of the best communities to provide a mental and emotional boost to all such beautiful hard working women who suddenly give up due to a lack of work-life balance.

Yes SHEROES rocks!  So girls discover your new self with SHEROES before you lose or you are lost somewhere like I was.


Debolina Mukherjee
Debolina is a return to work professional that enjoys writing in her spare time.

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