Believe In Yourself; Conquer Your Fear And Take A Walk Away From Your Comfort Zone.....Rajashree’s Story
I want to be in the league of women who create a niche for themselves and also pull along a mass of other women while moving forward. It is then I’ll consider myself successful. What I’m writing now is only the journey I started....
It so happened that only two months before, I started working as Content Writer for CRB Tech Solutions, Pune. In the meantime, my husband shared the news of his hiring by a CMM Level 5, company(IT); a big name and for the Kolkata location.
That was the moment when my fear took over my delight, and I couldn’t respond. The obvious consequences of quitting my job and relocating, left me crying the entire night and being sleepless I was feeling sick the other day and took a leave from office. As usual, I sent our daughter (Khushi) to her crèche, as I had to cry my heart out in solitude, because with a blurry mind I couldn’t find a solution to this mess.
By evening, I knew that I won’t relocate being jobless. And obviously with it came reactions from everyone known to me, except my parents. In most cases with a woman’s career, dreams are only yours, so can’t expect everybody to have the same zeal to materialize them; yet some rarest exceptions exist. So I knew I had to convince my husband, rest assured. At times my patience gave way, but I was determined.
I heard many real life stories of women known to me who followed their husband in such a situation and quit their jobs. But I also knew their post-relocation stories of depression and that dreaded me. With that reference, friends and relatives told me ”This is the fate of all women.” I thought that was a conventional practice and in this Digital Era, I need to go unconventional. Another factor which concerned me that my every decision would affect Khushi, so I have to also be wise.
Finally, I told my husband that it’s time we both need to support each other's career and that would eventually be good for Khushi. I reasoned, if I remain unhappy then unknowingly I would pass my unhappiness to Khushi and that would be good for none.
To mention, I was in a probationary phase, but felt my office needs time to hire another content writer and I can’t leave them amidst all workload as that was against my professional ethics. So I decided to stay back and serve my notice period while my husband was relocating.
Next day I went to the office, and approached my Project Manager to discuss the entire situation. During the discussion, I requested him an opportunity to work from home. He was uncertain, yet he went ahead to talk with the seniors. By the evening, I was told that I’m allowed to work remotely from Kolkata for Pune. I was humbled by their decision and the understanding of the authority.
The bottom line is that owing to my company’s generosity and understanding and my dedication towards work; I am working remotely from Kolkata for Pune, to become their first employee whose on desk job got transformed into a “work from home opportunity”. After 6 months I was confirmed as their permanent employee and continuing with my work.
Another factor which helped me in my professional journey was my husband’s previous office, Extentia Information Technology. Extentia has their own creche facility for employees. They too showed their understanding and extended their help by allowing Khushi to continue going to their creche in spite of the fact that my hubby was not their employee then.
The below pic was clicked during Khushi’s birthday celebration in the crèche.
Again my office extended another help by allowing Khushi to accompany me at the office as her crèche was closed on Saturdays and other times granted me leaves whenever required.
The below pic shows Khushi at the desk with my #SEO Team.
Last but not the least, SHEROES came to my professional aid again. During my sabbatical, it was Monica Majithia(mentor), who guided me with making a choice of career and during this crisis, Sonali Karande Brahma(another mentor) lent her patient listening and valuable advice. I quote “during any professional crisis only professional counseling can help and Sheroes is the name”.
I must admit that “work-from-home” is not an easy task. Either be working at the desk or from home, being a working mom; I have to balance both.
To create a balance you need a strict schedule, share your chores, take advantage of technology, a “Me time” and daily exercise. As a mother, spend time with your kids and last but not the least find your spouse time, otherwise he would end up feeling like an alien.
The “Me time” might sound selfish to many but believe me, a “Me time” of either 10 minutes or 30 minutes will make you more balanced and fulfilled as well as less resentful of all the sacrifices you have to make.
We have kept a helper for cooking, dusting and sweeping. I kept dish washing to myself as research says “mindful dish washing” is a form of meditation and I really need to calm my mind by the end of the day; rarely I get chances for deep meditation.
Amidst this, I find a playtime with my daughter but the irony is that my 3-year old keeps me reminding “Do your work; let me do mine,” (the underlying deal being) I must do my writing by the P.C. and she is allowed to play her casio, watch Youtube educational channels and create a mess all over.
To conclude, currently I’m a #mumwithoutbabysitter, working remotely, an author at The Good Men Project and have some plans to extend my contribution towards women empowerment very soon.
I’m very grateful to both CRB Tech Solutions and Extentia for understanding my situation and their support and help in my professional journey. And loads of love to Sairee and her team @Sheroes!
Thanks for giving your time!
This post is written by Rajashree Das Purkayastha