3 Ways to Make Money by Selling Books Online

Last updated 7 Jan 2020 . 1 min read

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If you have a lot of old books sitting around your house that you are never going to read again. You can use it to make money and declutter your home.

One way to get rid of these books is to give them to someone. Few of the places where you can give these books is a local school, senior citizens centre, shelter or some other place like cafe/restaurants that maintains a library. But if you want to make some money using these books here are a few methods:

  1. Deposit them to a local bookstore -

    A local bookstore is the easiest way to sell your books. Every store has their own set of guidelines but generally, you can cart your boxes to their desk and they will buy from you. This is the easiest method of selling books but this also yields the least cash. These bookstores scan the ISBN for each book and find out their online price and then pay you less for each one of them. They do this because they have to make a profit for themselves too, so you won’t be able to make as much money compared to selling the books directly to customers. But there's an upside to this as well - instead of cash, you can get some store credit at a better rate. For example, if a bookstore is paying you 10% of the cover price in cash, they might also offer you 15% of the cover price of each book in-store credit instead.


  2. Sell your books on Amazon or any other marketplace -

    You can sell your books on a lot of sites like KitaBay, BookmyBook, Clankart and Shiprocket 360. Amazon is one of the biggest bookstores in the world, so it's the best place to sell your books.

    If you decide to sell books on Amazon yourself, you can list your book in the new and used section. With this method, whenever someone buys a book from your listing, you'll be notified and then you can ship it yourself. For each book sold, Amazon charges a flat Rs 70 fee and also pays some amount for the shipping costs involved.

    The process of selling things on Amazon is that you need to sign up for an Individual Seller Account with Amazon. To sell stuff, you need to sign up for an Individual Seller Account. Make sure you don't sign up for a Professional Seller Account, or you'll have to pay approx. Rs 2800 as a monthly fee. Once you are done with that, it's easy to list a book. Punch in the International Standard Book Number of the book you want to sell, and it'll show up on the website.

    Then select whether the book is new or used, Amazon will show you the lowest price available for the same and then you can match it or go lower. Amazon will calculate the shipping price according to the weight of the book. You will be notified when someone purchases it and you will have to ship it to them. 


  3. Let Amazon sell your books for you -

    This is one of the methods which takes effort but the upside is that you don’t have to constantly ship your books on your own. And once you have it rolling, you can start making a set percentage of your books value back. You could start using the Fulfilment Services program offered by Amazon. To make this work, you need to list all the books you want to sell and put them in a box, ship them to Amazon warehouse. Amazon will sell it for you, takes a part of it and pay you the rest.

    Since they charge some fee, you get a low amount for your book, and along with that you might actually lose some, so it’s best that you don't use this method to get rid of worthless and very old books. You should try selling your books within six months, or else you'll have to pay Amazon some amount for storing your book in the warehouse.

    To sell your books, go on Amazon Seller Central and mention all the books you want to sell, similar to the second method in this article. Make sure that you have ticked the option available "I want Amazon to ship and provide customer service for my items.”


There are many other market places where you could list your books. You just have to pay monthly subscription charges to use the platform or some amount from the revenue that you generate by selling these books.

You could also think of opening your own bookselling store online which doesn’t require too much technical knowledge. It is something you have to be actively involved and make it an entrepreneurial journey where you start building your own brand.

There are a lot of online platforms that enable you to sell online. Some of the platforms where you can sell books online are:

  1. Yourbookstall 

  2. Bookchor

  3. All books online

  4. Buy used books

  5. Swap the book

  6. KartRocket

  7. Kitabay

  8. Bookmybook

  9. Book sell buy

  10. Budget reads

  11. Clankart

  12. Showmybook

    Become an Online Reseller | Reseller Business Opportunities in India 2020


Pooja Singh
A serial foodie. Restless traveller and a spunky techie with an adventurous soul. Writing is my tool for venting.

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