Meet the SHEROES - Shalini Nautiyal

Last updated 12 May 2014 . 2 min read
Shalini quit her job at Inofsys to start her company Coffee Mug Ideas and just launched a product called that not only helps stitch plans for a day out in city by bringing nearby businesses together but also recommends activities to do as per taste of the user.This mompreneur shares with us her experience in a chat - 

Tell us more about you 

I am a first generation entrepreneur with 8 years Software experience. I have spent a large part of my career working for some of the best known brands in the world, picking up some very critical skills along the way.

I quit my job at Infosys in 2012 to start my venture Coffee Mug Ideas. The first product that I incubated is I am also a mom of 1 year old adorable boy and sometimes feel am managing 2 kids, one being my startup.

 What was the idea behind Yipeedo?

The idea of Yipeedo originated over a cup of coffee at a cafe in Bangalore (That is the reason I named my company Coffee Mug Ideas :) ). We wanted to plan a day out but were clueless what to do after coffee. That is when we felt the need for a product which not only helps stitch plans by bringing nearby businesses together but also recommends activities as per taste of the user. 

What inspires you the most to work?

Lot of things, the sheer fun of seeing your product shape up, people actually using it and liking it gives me a lot of encouragement to do more and make it better. 

 Are there any challenges that you face? 

Yes. Challenges were there at both professional and personal front.The decision to quit and start wasn't easy for sure. Also being a mompreneur, its constant juggling of priorities to manage work and home, but I am thankful to have a very supportive team and a husband who has always encouraged me to go beyond boundaries and do my best.

Message to all SHEROES out there. 

Do not wait for right time to start-up. When you start, that is the right time!

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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