Inspiration Unlimited: Deepika Padukone Goes ‘Da Da Ding’ For Nike, Sets The Internet Ablaze

Published on 12 Jul 2016 . 2 min read

"To be the best, always remember the three D's - Discipline, Dedication and Determination. Follow your heart. Do what you are passionate about."Badminton champion and one of Hindi cinema’s biggest stars remembers her childhood lesson well.

“Sport has taught me how to survive! It has taught me how to fight! It has made me unstoppable!”

She has used the physical prowess, and the mental strength that a tough sports regime hot wired into her and slayed the demons that threatened to swallow her.  “Two years ago I struggled with depression. I was sinking. I almost gave up.  But it was the athlete in me that gave me the strength to fight and never ever give up!” Padukone wrote on her  Facebook page when she released her latest collaboration with Nike.

Deepika Padukone’s latest commercial appearance has gone viral with over 3 lakh views since in the first 24 hours it aired. This is more than a Nike advertisement. It is a tribute to the sheer raw strength of a sports-toned female body, and what it can achieve.

Deepika also writes about how sports shaped her attitude: “Sport has taught me how to handle failure. It has also taught me how to handle success. It has kept me grounded. It has taught me humility. And so I want to say to every girl and every boy and every woman and every a sport...because it changed my life...and it will change yours too!”

As reported by GQ Padukone stars alongside with trailblazer women athletes  such as India’s first woman surfer Ishika Malaviya, cricketer Shubhlakshmi Sharma, footballer Jyoti Ann Burrett, squash champion Joshna Chinappa.

And for those of you who want that tune to power your next run, or walk, we found  the audio clip, just for you. Plug in, and power on.

Karuna John
Woman. Pan Indian. Alive. Aware. Arisen. Learns one new thing every day. Fixes bigots. Journalist. Word Curator. Storyteller.

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