Inspiration, Jobs and Goodies to Win

Last updated 5 Jun 2015 . 2 min read


Vineeta Singh co-founder FAB BAG always wanted to be an entrepreneur, she thought that taking up an investment banking job would be a bigger risk to that dream than starting up. Her story here.

Like Vineeta, do you have a #TakeCharge story to tell? Have your navigated your way out of difficult times and come out with greater strength? Tell us your stories, inspire the community. Blog about times when you took charge of your life and career. 3 top stories get this month’s Fabbags – a bag full of surprises. You just need to make sure – 

1) You are signed up on SHEROES Blogger Network 

2) The story is shared as an update on the network 

Last date of submission – 15th June

Moving on to jobs, SHEROES top company Intel is hiring. Check out all the jobs here

Over 200 Work From HomeRegular & Part-time jobs added this week. Check out all jobs here.

From the community

1) If you are on a career break here is how you can stay connected

2) How relevant are paternity leaves in India? Do you think that will reduce the number of women dropping out of workplace after maternity? Share your thoughts here.

3) In our country ‘The mainstream remains very much a malestream’ as I said that in our country our gender is more accepted to act as a natural unequal sharer of the burden of adversities between women and men - Premlata Agarwal, Mountaineer. Her interview here.

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SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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