This Is How I Improved My English Vocabulary!
In a globally connected world, English has become the primary language of communication!
A good vocabulary has become a need more than a luxury!
No longer do you need a good vocabulary to simply sound smarter. Now, it is a must to communicate effectively. It helps you say exactly what you need. It helps you choose the right word for every job. It leaves no room for ambiguity. Vocabulary can make your writing more powerful and help readers understand exactly what you mean.
A wide vocabulary is now a life-skill. But it isn’t something anyone is born with. You can train yourself to develop it. So what are some of the best ways to improve vocabulary?
Let us tell you some handy tips and tricks to speak better English and boost your vocabulary:
#1. Read every day
Once school ends, so does the mandatory reading. Most of us may not even remember the last time we read something. But reading every day, even if it is just 20 pages can go a long way in helping you boost your vocabulary. You can start with the newspaper and simple novels. For a more advanced level, nonfiction books and literary journals help.
#2. Reading something different each time
Reading the same kind of thing every day will expose you only to that limited set of words. Try and read about diverse topics - read about politics one day and literature the other, history one day and philosophy another, alternate a romance novel with science fiction. Not only will it help you build a better vocabulary but also keep you interested. Reading will no longer feel monotonous.
#3. Use a new word immediately
When you learn a new word, try and incorporate it immediately in conversation, an email or even your journal. It should feel like a game. Try to repeat that word as often as possible and you’ll see how it soon will become an effortless part of your mental word bank. Also, make it a habit to recollect words you learned a little while ago (last week, for example) and use them at regular intervals. This will drill them completely in your brain.
#4. Play word games
Crossword puzzles in the newspapers are more than something to kill time on the train. They’re a challenge for your brain. They’re an excellent way to build your vocabulary. It will force you to think of words you don’t necessarily use in your daily life. You can also play other vocabulary games such as a word search or unscrambling letters. Another cool idea is to bring out childhood board games like Scrabble and Hangman that will help you better your vocabulary. Call some friends over and have a games night!
#5. Create a visual for new words
If you struggle to remember the meaning of a word you just learned, it helps to paint a mental picture for it. For example, take the word ‘avarice' which means an insatiable greed. Avarice sounds like a-virus so in order to remember its meaning you can picture a virus with a huge mouth out to greedily devour everything it can find!
#6. Make lists of synonyms
If you find yourself using the same words over and over again in your writing, make a note of it. Then think carefully or use a dictionary and create a list of ten to twenty words you can use instead of that one. Over time, you can build a vocabulary notebook that’ll help you use better words. You can also keep adding to the list every time you learn a new synonym. This book will become your Holy Bible of Vocabulary or at the very least, a trusty word bank.
(Also, Here's What You Missed in the English Language AMA Session with Swati Rai on SHEROES)
#7. Maintain a journal
Try writing in a journal every day or at least every week. A great way to improve your vocabulary is by including all the new words you learn in your journal entry. Besides, this will also go a long way in improving your overall writing skills as well. An added benefit is that journaling is a great emotional outlet which is nice for your mental health. It is the perfect storehouse for memories as well.
#8. Learn the language practically
No matter how much time you dedicate to learning new words out of a book, chances are the language used in the real world is a lot different. The best way to learn a language like it is spoken is to immerse yourself in the pop culture. Listen to English music. Watch movies in English. It’ll help you get a finger on the pulse of the language as it is spoken. It’ll also introduce you to the informal expressions and slang which is crucial to be able to master a language.
Like most other things, language learning has also come to our fingertips thanks to mobile phones. You can now simply learn new vocabulary using applications. These apps require only a few minutes a day, you can use them while drinking your coffee or waiting in line. They make learning new words pretty fun!
So why not bring your quest to better vocabulary simply into your smartphone?
Wondering, What app can I use to improve my vocabulary?
Here are some of the best apps to improve your vocabulary:
This app is available on both Android and iOS. For starters, it serves as an excellent pocket dictionary. It also has quizzes you can take to build your vocabulary. However, what makes it awesome is that you have the option to ‘Start learning this word’. When you select that, it adds it to a list of words you want to learn. It then incorporates those words into the quizzes you take so that you can retain it well. If you don’t want to download yet another app, you can also use this platform on their website.
#2. Quizzitive
Quizzitive is a vocabulary game app for advanced level learners. It is available on iOS and can be quite challenging. It tests you to choose the definition for as many words as you can in a 20-second round. The first two levels are free but if you get past them, you need to pay approximately 2 dollars to play eight more levels.
#3. Knoword
Knoword is available as a website as well as an app on both Android and iOS. It is extremely seamless to you. All you have to do is press the ‘Let's go!’ button. They generate a definition along with the first word of the answer. You have to fill the word in the answer blank. They have different levels such as Novice, Hotshot, and Wizard to adapt to the needs of all kinds of learners.
#4. 7 Little Words
7 Little Words is a really cool vocabulary game. They give you seven definitions and tiles with letters on them. You need to rearrange them to create seven words. You start off with words you do know and slowly narrow down to the ones that you don’t. This helps you to learn. This game is available on Android as well as iOS.
#5. PowerVocab and A Word A Day widget
PowerVocab is a quiz game where you match the vocabulary word against multiple-choice definitions. You can also up the heat by adding elements such as a timer. You can even choose to play against other players for some healthy competition. This app is currently available on Android only.
The creators of PowerVocab also have something called as A Word A Day. It is a widget that you can install. It puts a new word every day on the home screen of your phone. This makes it absolutely painless to learn new words. It requires little to no effort on your part. This Widget is available for both iOS and Android.
What do you do to develop your vocabulary? Tell us in the comments.
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