How Do I Turn Yoga Into Home Business?

Last updated 21 May 2018 . 11 min read

A lot of things Indians have caught on recently around the world. Be it their involvement in helping humans take massive steps in exploring the vast universe or a simple dish like the butter paneer masala, our contributions to the world have been immense. 

But, who knew that a simple 5000-year-old body of knowledge would become such a rage that it has now become a way of life and sustenance, both physiological and financial! Yoga has truly taken over the global consciousness, and it is due to the health benefits of yoga and it's contribution on weight loss that this change has taken place.

What is Yoga?

A group of physical, mental and spiritual disciplines that was founded in ancient India, yoga has come a long way from the time it was used and seen just as a means of relaxation and self-indulgence.The term yoga comes from the Sanskrit expression yuj, which implies a meeting of the consciousness (soul) of the individual with the Consciousness (spirit) of the Universe, as stated in the Bhagavad Gita.

Yoga as home business

Yoga is not Just Healthy

The importance of yoga has increased with each passing day, and such is its value that one can now make a living out of this field. This wasn’t the case earlier, but with the realization that yoga can help one attain so much more than just 20 minutes of quiet, there has been an increase in the demand for yoga courses over more conventional options likes dancing or gymming. And this is where becoming a yoga teacher is such a lucrative option as a profession.

Especially since people from the west seem to have a growing interest in this field, and want to learn what yoga is all about so that they can take this experience back to their countries and spread the message. And it’s not just like any normal job, for a few yoga classes of a week can help pay most of your monthly bills and keep some more extra. That is if you are good and experienced enough to warrant it.

What Has To Be Taken Care Of To Get Your Home Yoga Business Going?

Get Yourself Certified

Just because you know the basics of yoga, you can't just become a yoga instructor. You need to have a proper yoga instructor certification to become one, and it isn’t easy to earn it! And just like all things in today’s digital world, if you’re too busy to go and get a certification, there’s always the internet to log onto and get yourself registered and certified.

Figure Out The Kind Of Training You Want To Give

The next step is perhaps concluding on what kind of training you want to give. Will it be home-based, and if so, will it be for a group of customers together or one-on-one sessions with individual clients? Do you want to be an independent contractor, where you run classes out of different studios at different times? Or will it involve starting your own yoga studio? And will all of this be done full-time or part-time?

Check out The Benefits Of Morning Yoga?     

Work Out Your Cash Projections

It isn’t enough to just earn enough to pay various bills. Surely, you would want to earn a little over that so as to do the different things that make you happy. So it is important that you target a specific amount to be earned inside a time frame, so that enough money is earned to spend on activities like trips, shopping and entertainment as well, apart from the bill paying cycles.

Choose The Best Venue

One of the best aspects of being a yoga trainer is that you do not need an office or separate workspace to conduct classes. Just the equipment pertaining to the discipline and you’re good to go from the comforts of your home! Have clients and students come home for yoga classes, and this helps save you save money on workspace rent and maintenance.

But this doesn’t mean you don’t give the venue a second thought. If you do decide on opening a studio or center, do some research to find out which age group is going to form a bulk of your customer base. Then find out which area is most likely to have a majority of this demographic, then decide on a venue, as factors like convenience and accessibility play a part in prospect customers coming back long-term.

steps to consider to turn yoga into home business

You might also like reading Know How Yoga Can Keep You Fit And Make You Earn Loads!

Getting An Insurance

Not many people know this, but nowadays, there is an insurance cover for the trainer as well. This is to protect you in case customers develop any kind of injuries, be it muscle or tissue, and blame you for the same. Even if you are doing this on a freelance basis, it is advised to get a professional liability insurance.

You can also get general liability insurance and property and contents insurance. Also, if you have staff members, you can also obtain trained staff are covered by these policies, for which the staff may have to meet certain criteria.

Building A Clientele And Getting Socially Active

There is nothing like word of mouth marketing to help you build a client/customer base, which can often be vital in helping you set up a successful career as a yoga instructor. Profiles on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram nowadays have become a marketing tool in itself, helping you post videos of sessions, spread word about yoga, make announcements, engage with fellow trainers and customers and keep the world updated about your business.

It is also important that you don’t shy away from being as social as possible, and maintaining healthy relationships with customers, for their recommendations can help get you, new customers, as well. Building a loyal following, or fan base if that word suits you, out of all your students can be as important as having a studio with the best facilities and/or in prime locations of the city.

Did you find the information in this article helpful? Let us know in the comments below. Also, share any tips you have to get the most of turning Yoga into a home business option. 

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